E9 | Solanus Casey Center
Jennifer Nip
October 30, 2023
Pope Francis’ Homily at the Closing Mass | Synod on Synodality
Pope Francis
October 29, 2023
A doctor of the Law comes to Jesus under a pretext, in order to test him. The question he asks, however, is an important and enduring one that, at times, arises in our own hearts and in the life of the Church ...
E4 | Step by Step: For a Synodal Church
Jennifer Nip
October 29, 2023
A New Catholic Publisher and Music by Lorraine Hess!
Salt + Light Hour
October 28, 2023
This week on an all-new SLHour, we learn about JMJ Press, a new Catholic publisher dedicated to giving glory to God. We learn how the Israel-Hammas conflict is affecting Aid to the Church in Need partners in the Gaza Strip; Mark Matthews tells us what’s good in Hollywood and we reconnect with Lorraine Hess who ...
Letter to the People of God | Synod on Synodality
Salt + Light Media
October 26, 2023
As the proceedings of the first session of the 16th Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops draw to a close, we want to thank God with all of you for the beautiful and enriching experience we have lived. ...
Pope’s General Audience – October 25, 2023
Pope Francis
October 25, 2023
Today I will talk to you about two brothers, very famous in the east, to the point of being called “the apostles of the Slavs”: Saints Cyril and Methodius. ...
How to have Conversations in the Spirit? Steps towards a Synodal Church | Synod on Synodality
Julian Paparella
October 23, 2023
Throughout the Synodal Assembly here in Rome, a new method is being used for the first time. It’s called conversations in the Spirit, maybe you’ve heard of it already. ...
E3 | Step by Step: For a Synodal Church
Jennifer Nip
October 22, 2023
Everything You Need to Know about the Synod and music by John Paul Von Arx
Salt + Light Hour
October 21, 2023
The first general assembly of the Synod is taking place the whole month of October. This week we get an update of what’s happening in Rome, why it’s happening, how it all works and what it means for the Church. Jermaine has two good book suggestions, Billy has a question about evil spirits and we ...
S4 E2 | behold
Jennifer Nip
October 19, 2023