Vocation Myths | Part 4
Kristina Glicksman
November 1, 2018
In Part 4 of this series, Kristina Glicksman looks at the times when God doesn't seem to be speaking clearly and what that means for discernment. ...
The Promise of Inclusion, the Power of Love: Parliament of the World’s Religions
Deacon Pedro
November 1, 2018
Join Fr. Thomas Rosica, CSB, and Deacon Pedro Guevara-Mann as they sit down with representatives from this year's Parliament of the World's Religions in Toronto. ...
Mother Clelia Merloni: Once Rejected, Now Blessed
Fr. Matt Gworek
November 1, 2018
Read all about Mother Clelia Merlone, who experienced sickness, slander, financial ruin, betrayal, and rejection - and who will be beatified on Nov 3. ...
For Young People the Work Is Just Beginning
Fr. Matt Gworek
October 29, 2018
Now that the Synod is over, it's not only bishops who have homework. Read why Fr. Matt thinks the Synod has given young Catholics important work to do. ...
Letter from the Synod Fathers to Young People
Salt + Light Media
October 29, 2018
The bishops tell young people: "The Church and the world urgently need your enthusiasm...You are the present; be a brighter future." Read the letter here. ...
Homily of Pope Francis for the Concluding Mass of the Synod
Salt + Light Media
October 29, 2018
Read the full text of the homily that Pope Francis gave at the concluding Mass of the 15th Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops. ...
Deacon-structing the Mass | Part 12: Concluding Rites
Deacon Pedro
October 28, 2018
This week Deacon Pedro explores the Concluding Rites of the Mass, which include the final blessing and the dismissal. ...
SLHour: Mom and Daughter Journaling?
Salt + Light Media
October 27, 2018
Mother and Daughter Journal? What’s that? This week, authors Lori and Ava Ubowski tell us about their new book venture. Emilie gives us updates on the Synod; Billy has a question about gambling on Church for Dummies; Gillian tells us what she learned from being at the end of this pregnancy; we learn about a ...
The Humbling Effect of the Synods of Bishops
Sebastian Gomes
October 26, 2018
What can we expect from the Final Document and the Message coming out of the synod this weekend? Read what Sebastian Gomes has to say. ...
Weekly News Round-Up: The popemobiles and how they’ve changed over the years
Noel Ocol
October 26, 2018
Some super snazzy wheels for the pope, a bunch of singing friars, and voices and faces of the synod - all here on the Weekly News Round-Up! ...