Nazaria Ignacia de Santa Teresa de Jesús: "You, Nazaria, follow me."
Fr. Matt Gworek
October 3, 2018
Read about Nazaria Ignacia, who promised at age 9 to “follow Jesus as close as a human creature can,” and will be canonized on October 14. ...
Maria Katharina Kasper: Poor Handmaid of Jesus Christ
Fr. Matt Gworek
October 2, 2018
Read about Maria Katharina Kasper, who left behind a legacy of love, simplicity, and openness to God and to others, and will be canonized on October 14. ...
Francesco Spinelli: Champion of the poor and marginalized
Fr. Matt Gworek
October 1, 2018
Read about Francesco Spinelli, who devoted his life to the care of the poor and the marginalized and who will be canonized on October 14. ...
Pope Paul VI’s Closing Messages of Vatican II
Salt + Light Media
September 30, 2018
Read the full text of Blessed Pope Paul VI's Closing Messages of Vatican II in honour of his canonization taking place on October 14, 2018. ...
God is Young: Top 10 Favourite Quotes from the New English Translation of Pope Francis' Book
Allyson Kenny
September 30, 2018
Read Allyson Kenny's top 10 favourite quotes from God Is Young: the brand new English translation of Pope Francis' book, out on October 2nd. ...
Deacon-structing the Mass | Part 8: The Eucharistic Prayer
Deacon Pedro
September 30, 2018
Join Deacon Pedro as he continues his journey through the Liturgy of the Eucharist with an exploration of the Eucharistic Prayer. ...
#TFImoments: Fr. Frank Morrisey, OMI, explains Pope Francis’ approach to family struggles
Sebastian Gomes
September 27, 2018
Watch this #TFImoment with Fr. Frank Morrissey, OMI, one of the canon lawyers who helped draft the recent reforms to the annulment process. ...
Understanding One Another – Reflections on a Plenary
Fr. Matt Gworek
September 26, 2018
Read Fr. Matt Gworek's reflection on how a division in languages creates a unique and tangible unity among the Canadian bishops. ...
"We have to leave our fears behind": Homily of Pope Francis at Mass in Tallinn, Estonia
Salt + Light Media
September 25, 2018
Read the full text of Pope Francis' homily at the final celebration of Mass during his Apostolic Journey to the Baltic States. ...
"Learning to trust is an art": Pope Francis to young Christians in Estonia
Salt + Light Media
September 25, 2018
Read Pope Francis' speech to the young Christians of Estonia, encouraging them to be fearless in following the Gospel and reaching out to others in love. ...