Weekly News Round-Up: Bela Lugosi as Jesus?
Noel Ocol
September 21, 2018
What do the actors Bela Lugosi, Christian Bale, and Ewan McGregor have in common? Find out here on the Weekly News Round-Up! ...
Pope sends video message to Hispanic/Latino ministry meeting in the US
Salt + Light Media
September 21, 2018
Watch Pope Francis' video message to V Encuentro, the Fifth National Meeting of the Hispano-Latin Pastoral Care in the United States. ...
"What I’m Reading" Wednesday: My Peace I Give You
Allyson Kenny
September 19, 2018
Read Allyson Kenny's review of Dawn Eden's book on using the example of the saints to find healing, not just for sexual abuse, but for all wounds. ...
Exclusive interview: Fr. Andrzej Halemba on the current situation of Christians in Syria and Iraq
Salt + Light Media
September 17, 2018
Watch this exclusive interview with Fr. Andrzej Halemba from Aid to the Church in Need on the situation of Christians in the Middle East. ...
Deacon-structing the Mass | Part 6: Homily, Creed, and Universal Prayers
Deacon Pedro
September 16, 2018
Deacon Pedro continues his exploration of the Liturgy of the Word by looking at what happens after the proclamation of the Gospel. ...
Pope Francis’ Visit To Palermo, Italy – September 15, 2018
Salt + Light Media
September 15, 2018
Everything you need to know about Pope Francis' Apostolic Visit to Palermo, Italy (Sept. 15. 2018) ...
Bishop Ronald Fabbro’s Letter to the Faithful about the Abuse Crisis in the Church
Salt + Light Media
September 14, 2018
Read this letter from Bishop Ronald Fabbro, CSB, to the Faithful of the Diocese of London about the abuse crisis in the Catholic Church. ...
Weekly News Round-Up: Taking church architecture to an all-time record low
Noel Ocol
September 14, 2018
An update on the weeping statue, a cathedral in a salt mine, and a secret chapel in Amsterdam - all here on the Weekly News Round-Up. ...
A prayer for our Church in these difficult times
Salt + Light Media
September 12, 2018
Heavenly Father, in every age, you have been our refuge. Yet again and still, we stand before you asking for your protection on your holy Church. ...
Praying Like a Child: The 34th Annual Living Rosary Sunday Pilgrimage at Martyrs' Shrine
Fr. Matt Gworek
September 10, 2018
Read Fr. Matt's reflection on praying like children and on the inspiring experience of the Living Rosary Pilgrimage at Martyrs' Shrine in Midland ...