Pope Francis’ Homily at the Final Mass in Chile: Full Text
Salt + Light Media
January 18, 2018
Pope Francis’ Homily at the Final Mass at the Campus Lobito, Iquique: Full Text “Jesus did this, the first of his signs, in Cana of Galilee” (Jn 2:11). These are the final words of the Gospel we just heard, which describes Jesus’ first public appearance: at a party, no more or less. It could not ...
Pope Francis’ Speech at the University of Chile in Santiago
January 17, 2018
President Dr Ignacio Sanchez, Distinguished University Authorities, Dear Professors and Administrators, Dear Students, I am happy to be here with you at this House of Studies, which in its 130 years of life has rendered a priceless service to the country. I thank the President for his words of welcome on behalf of all present. ...
Pope Francis’ Speech to Young People: Full Text
Salt + Light Media
January 17, 2018
Ariel, I too am happy to be with you. Thank you for your words of welcome in the name of all present. I am the one who is grateful for being able to share this time with you. For me, it is very important for us to meet and walk with one another for a ...
Pope Francis’ Speech at the Meeting with Civil Authorities of Chile: Full Text
Salt + Light Media
January 17, 2018
Madam President, Members of the Government of the Republic and of the Diplomatic Corps, Representatives of Civil Society, Distinguished Authorities, Ladies and Gentlemen, It is a joy for me to stand once again on Latin American soil and begin this visit to Chile, this land so close to my heart, which welcomed and schooled me in ...
Pope Francis’ Homily in Temuco, Chile: Full Text
Salt + Light Media
January 17, 2018
Pope Francis presides Mass at the Maquehue Airport: Full Text of Homily “Mari, Mari” [Good morning!] “Küme tünngün ta niemün” [“Peace be with you!” (Lk 24:36)] I thank God for allowing me to visit this beautiful part of our continent, the Araucanía. It is a land blessed by the Creator with immense and fertile green ...
Pope Francis Speech at the Cathedral of Santiago
Salt + Light Media
January 16, 2018
Dear Brothers and Sisters, I am happy to be meeting with you. I like the way that Cardinal Ezzati presented you: Here they are… consecrated women, consecrated men, priests, permanent deacons and seminarians. It made me think of the day of our ordination or consecration, when after being presented, each of us said: “Here I ...
Pope Francis’ Speech at San Joaquin Women’s
Penitentiary Center

Salt + Light Media
January 16, 2018
Dear Sisters and Brothers: Thank you for giving me this opportunity to visit you. For me it is important to share this time with you and draw closer to our many brothers and sisters presently deprived of their freedom. Thank you, Sister Nelly, for your kind words and especially for testifying that life always triumphs ...
Pope Francis’ Homily at O’Higgins Park: Santiago, Chile
Salt + Light Media
January 16, 2018
Pope Francis’ Homily at O’Higgins Park: Santiago, Chile When Jesus saw the crowds…” (Mt 5:1). In these first words of today’s Gospel we discover how Jesus wants to encounter us, the way that God always surprises his people (cf. Ex 3:7). The first thing Jesus does is to look out and see the faces of ...
Pope Francis’ homily at Mass on World Day of Migrants and Refugees
Salt + Light Media
January 14, 2018
Pope Francis’ homily at Mass on World Day of Migrants and Refugees: Full text January 14, 2018 Official English-language translation of Pope Francis’ homily at Holy Mass on Sunday in St. Peter’s Basilica on the World Day of Migrants and Refugees. This year I wanted to celebrate the World Day of Migrants and Refugees with ...
Deacon-structing Jesus’ Baptism part 2
Deacon Pedro
January 14, 2018
Last week we saw how the Baptism of Jesus is one of three manifestation or “Theophany” moments: the Nativity, the Baptism and the Wedding at Cana. Today we are focusing on the centre of these three events: The baptism, which this year, in Canada, was celebrated last Monday, on January 8th. I’m sure that thousands of ...