Popes Homily at the Shrine of Our Lord of Miracles:
Full Text

Salt + Light Media
January 21, 2018
Dear Sisters from different monasteries of contemplative life: How good it is to be here in this Shrine of the Lord of Miracles, visited so often by Peruvians, to ask his grace so that he will show us his closeness and mercy! He is “the light that guides, that illumines us with his divine love”. ...
Deacon-structing Baptism Part 1: Original Sin
Deacon Pedro
January 21, 2018
I remember about 5 years ago when we went to the Easter Vigil Mass for the first time in about 12 years (that’s what happens when you have kids) how amazed I was at the beauty and meaning behind this the greatest of all liturgies. I guess I’d forgotten; or never realized it. In particular, ...
Popes Speech at Meeting with Religious and Seminarians
Salt + Light Media
January 20, 2018
Dear Brothers and Sisters: Good afternoon! I am grateful for the words of greeting that Archbishop José Antonio Eguren Anselmi of Piura addressed to me in the name of all those present. Meeting with you, getting to know you, listening to you and sharing our love for the Lord and for the mission he has ...
Encore SLHour: Catholics and Protestants and other great conversations
Salt + Light Media
January 20, 2018
This week, on a special edition of the SLHour, author Peter Kreeft tells us what Catholics and Protestants can learn from each other and we speak with conductor and composer JJ Wright about his Advent/Christmas album, O Emmanuel. We also speak with author Dr. Greg Popcak about his latest book, the BeDADitudes and we meet ...
Popes Homily at Huanchaco Beach, Peru: Full Text
Salt + Light Media
January 20, 2018
These lands have the flavour of the Gospel. Everything around us, against the backdrop of this immense sea, helps us better to understand the experience that the apostles had with Jesus and that today we too are invited to relive. I am happy to know that you have come from different parts of northern Peru ...
Where are young people today?
Deacon Pedro
January 19, 2018
Where are young people today? That is really the question that the Church hopes to address this year. In October 2018, bishops from around the world will, once again, gather in Rome for a Synod. The topic of this meeting is Young People, the Faith and Vocational Discernment. Proclaiming the joy of the Gospel is ...
Do you love or hate going to Confession? Perspectives Weekly
Deacon Pedro
January 19, 2018
It’s probably safe to say that no one really likes to go to Confession. We may know it’s good for us, like eating our vegetables, but we don’t like doing it. Who likes telling someone else all the bad things they did? But do you ever wonder what the experience is like for priests? To ...
Popes Speech at the Hogar Principito Children’s Home:
Full Text

Salt + Light Media
January 19, 2018
Popes Speech at the Hogar Principito Children’s Home: Full Text Dear Brothers and Sisters, Dear Children, Thank you very much for this lovely reception and for your words of welcome. Seeing you dance makes me very happy. I could not leave Puerto Maldonado before coming to visit you. You wanted to come from various homes ...
Pope Francis’ Speech at Jorge Basadre Institute, Peru
Salt + Light Media
January 19, 2018
Dear Brothers and Sisters, I see that you have come not only from the far reaches of the Peruvian Amazon, but also from the Andes and neighbouring countries. What a beautiful image of the Church without borders, where all peoples have a place! How much we need moments like these, to be together and, regardless ...
Week of Prayer Christian Unity 2018
Salt + Light Media
January 18, 2018
The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity is held from January 18 to 25. This is the octave proposed by Paul Wattson in 1908, because it begins with the feast of St. Peter and ends with the feast of the conversion of St. Paul. Finding ways to pray together during this week in January put ...