A Christian filmmaker’s conversion and music by Amanda Vernon!
Salt + Light Hour
September 30, 2023
This week, we speak with Christian filmmaker Bob Katz about his new film The Blind and about his recent conversion to Catholicism; Gillian learns something from her kids about living in the moment; Danny returns with a domestic version of rearing rebels; and singer/songwriter Amanda Vernon is back from sabbatical and has several new singles ...
Who are the Archangels? Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael
Julian Paparella
September 29, 2023
At the end of September, the Church celebrates the Feast of the Archangels – Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael. ...
Pope’s General Audience – September 27, 2023
Pope Francis
September 27, 2023
I went to Marseille at the end of last week to participate in the conclusion of the Rencontres Méditerranéennes (Mediterranean Meetings), which involved Bishops and mayors from the Mediterranean area, along with numerous young people ...
Consistory for the Creation of New Cardinals 2023
Salt + Light Media
September 27, 2023
On September 30th, Pope Francis will hold a consistory for the creation of new Cardinals. ...
2023 CCCB Plenary Assembly
Jennifer Nip
September 25, 2023
Pope Francis’ Homily at Holy Mass at the Vélodrome Stadium, Marseille
Pope Francis
September 23, 2023
The Scriptures tell us that, having established his kingdom, King David decided to transport the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem. After summoning the people, he rose and set out to bring the Ark ...
Final Session of the Rencontres Méditerranéennes: Address of His Holiness
Pope Francis
September 23, 2023
I offer my cordial greetings and I am grateful to each of you for having accepted the invitation of Cardinal Aveline to participate in these meetings. ...
Helping parishes be more missionary and music by Ceili Rain
Salt + Light Hour
September 23, 2023
How do we help parishes be more missionary? This week, we learn about a Global ministry, Renova+, that’s soon coming to the U.S.. Marie Claude Lalonde of Aid to the Church in Need – Canada tells us about the Church in Mongolia; Mark Matthews has good things to say about the current writer and actor ...
Moment of Reflection with Religious Leaders: Intervention of His Holiness
Pope Francis
September 22, 2023
Thank you for being here. Before us is the sea, a source of life, yet this place evokes the tragedy of shipwrecks, which cause death. ...
Marian Prayer with the Diocesan Clergy: Greeting of His Holiness
Pope Francis
September 22, 2023
I am happy to begin my visit by sharing this moment of prayer with you. I thank Cardinal Jean-Marc Aveline for his words of welcome, and I greet Archbishop Eric de Moulins-Beaufort, ...