Pope warns against polarisation within the Church – Perspectives Daily
Emilie Callan
November 21, 2016
Last weekend, Pope Francis created 17 new cardinals in a ceremony held at the Vatican. In his homily he spoke against the danger of polarisation and exclusion in the Church, saying “we are not immune from this and we need to take care lest such attitudes find a place in our hearts, because this would ...
Mercy Fridays: Past, Present and Future
Emilie Callan
November 21, 2016
Away from the limelight, Pope Francis spent one Friday a month, over the course of the Jubilee Year of Mercy, putting into practice the corporal and spiritual works of mercy. Locations were never announced beforehand and so in the past year, he surprised the sick and the elderly, retired priests, women who have been abused, ...
Apostolic Letter of Pope Francis at the Conclusion of the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy
Salt + Light Media
November 21, 2016
Misericordia et misera FRANCIS TO ALL WHO READ THIS APOSTOLIC LETTER MERCY AND PEACE Misericordia et misera is a phrase used by Saint Augustine in recounting the story of Jesus’ meeting with the woman taken in adultery (cf. Jn 8:1-11). It would be difficult to imagine a more beautiful or apt way of expressing the mystery ...
Homily of Pope Francis for Solemnity of Christ the King of the Universe and Closing of the Jubilee Holy Year of Mercy
Salt + Light Media
November 20, 2016
At 10:00 this morning, the Solemnity of Christ the King, in St. Peter’s Square, Pope Francis celebrated the closing Mass of the Holy Year of Mercy, with the new Cardinals, with the College of Cardinals, Archbishops, Bishops and Priests. At the beginning of Mass, the Holy Father led the Rite of closing of the Holy ...
Deacon-structing: Cardinals
Deacon Pedro
November 20, 2016
In light of the Consistory this weekend, I was going to deacon-struct Cardinals, but seeing as Fr. Rosica wrote a wonderful Reflection on the Role of Cardinals in the Church on Tuesday, I figured I could do something a bit different. Yesterday, Pope Francis made 17 new Cardinals. Thirteen of them will be Cardinal-electors, eligible ...
Up-to-date Information and Statistics on the College of Cardinals
Salt + Light Media
November 19, 2016
This information is provided courtesy of the Holy See Press Office. List of Cardinals in alphabetical order. List of Cardinals in order of Age. List of Cardinals according to Nations and in order of Age. Graph: Distribution of Cardinal electors and non-electors. Graph: Distribution of Cardinals according to role. Composition of Cardinals according to geographical ...
Homily of Pope Francis at the Ordinary Public Consistory for the Creation of 17 New Cardinals
Salt + Light Media
November 19, 2016
The Gospel passage we have just heard (cf. Lk 6:27-36) is often referred to as the “Sermon on the Plain”. After choosing the Twelve, Jesus came down with his disciples to a great multitude of people who were waiting to hear him and to be healed. The call of the Apostles is linked to this ...
What happened? Thoughts on the 2016 US Presidential Election
Sebastian Gomes
November 19, 2016
The evening of Tuesday, November 8, 2016 is now one of those historic dates that millions of people will never forget. Putting aside any personal opinions or feelings, watching the election unfold was utterly confounding. Only one thing united Americans that evening; one penetrating question swelled in the minds of supporters of Mrs. Clinton and ...
Perspectives on Consecrated Life: Works of Mercy
Deacon Pedro
November 18, 2016
For the last year we have all been hearing of the Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy. Perhaps the most well-known are caring for the sick, visiting those in prison and instructing the ignorant. Around the world, hundreds of thousands of religious sisters and brothers dedicated their every day to these tasks. But there are ...
Shut Up! (Finding Stillness) – Fr. Rob Galea
Salt + Light Media
November 18, 2016
In this Video Fr. Rob Galea discusses the need for stillness and silence in our busy lives. Eight Ways to Find Stillness: 1. Turn off Your Electronics 2. Enjoy the Scenery when Driving 3. Employ the Practice of Silence 4. Savour Your Food 5. Meditate 6. Sleep in Silence 7. Plug Into Nature 8. Tune ...