Pope Francis Speaks on COP22 Climate Change Meeting
Matteo Ciofi
November 18, 2016
Last Tuesday Pope Francis sent a message to participants of the COP22 Climate Change meeting taking place in Marrakech, Morocco. In the text, the Holy Father recalled that the Paris Agreement has set out a clear path requiring the collaboration of all the international community, and he quoted extensively from his encyclical Laudato si’, exhorting the promotion ...
Finding Mercy Behind Bars
Emilie Callan
November 14, 2016
Emilie Callan reflects on the Pope's visit Jubilee of Prisoners in 2016, and how he has a special place in his heart for those who are incarcerated. ...
Pope Francis’ Homily at Jubilee for the Homeless
Salt + Light Media
November 13, 2016
November 13, 2016 St. Peter’s Basilica For you… the sun of justice shall rise, with healing in its wings” (Mal 4:2). The words of the Prophet Malachi, which we heard in the first reading, shed light on today’s Jubilee. They come to us from the last page of the last Old Testament prophet. They are ...
Addiction – Fr. Rob Galea
Salt + Light Media
November 11, 2016
In this Video Fr. Rob Galea discusses addiction and proposes seven steps to getting rid of addiction. Seven Steps: 1. Decide to Quit 2. Set A Date 3. Seek Professional and Personal Support 4. Identify Your Triggers 5. Get Your Environment Ready 6. Fill Your Time 7. Don’t Let A Relapse Be The End of ...
Year of Mercy to End November 20, 2016
Matteo Ciofi
November 10, 2016
There are only ten days left before the conclusion of this Year of Mercy. On November 20th, the last Sunday of the liturgical year and the Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ the King, Pope Francis will close the Holy Door in St. Peter’s Basilica. This Sunday, November 13, all the other Holy Doors across ...
The experience of fishing with Jesus
Chris Adamczyk
November 9, 2016
 A fond memory I have growing up is that of fishing with my brother and my friends. There is something about the peace and calm that is necessary to fish that makes you more open in prayer and friendship. We read in the gospels that Jesus called his disciples right here on the shores of ...
WYD Memories: The storm
Salt + Light Media
November 9, 2016
Salt + Light Producer and Host Alicia Ambrosio recalls the treacherous storm that hit during the Vigil at World Youth Day Madrid in 2011. ...
A Brief History of Protestantism
Emilie Callan
November 7, 2016
The Pope went to Sweden last week. He was there for two days, from October 31st to November 1st commemorating the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation. The history between both Churches is somewhat complex. And what do we really know about Protestant theology? Here is brief look at how it all started and what ...
“I’ve been to the mountaintop…”A young Carmelite shares her vocation story to the contemplative life
Sr. Cecilia Ashton, OCD
November 7, 2016
“Seized by the unconditional love of Jesus, the Christ, and allured to the mountaintop, we embrace the mystical flame of contemplation as our life’s grounding. The silence and solitude of our life of prayer immerse us in a deep communion with God that draws us into a full and willing participation in the unfolding of ...
Pope Francis’ Homily for Jubilee of Prisoners
Salt + Light Media
November 7, 2016
Pope Francis on Sunday celebrated Mass for the Jubilee of Prisoners in St Peter’s Basilica, telling those present, “by learning from past mistakes, you can open a new chapter of your lives.” Below, find the full text of his address: The message that God’s word wants to bring us today is surely that of hope. ...