The Holy Father’s Apostolic Visit to Canada: Looking Back One Year Later
Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops
July 26, 2023
Press Release: Today, we remember that a year ago, His Holiness Pope Francis came to Canada to undertake a “penitential pilgrimage.” ...
Grief: turning the sourest of lemons into sacred work
Stephanie Blaquera
July 25, 2023
When life throws you the sourest of lemons, it is common to ask or sometimes demand for an answer to our “Why”? ...
Pope Francis’ homily for the World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly
Pope Francis
July 23, 2023
Jesus uses parables to teach us about the kingdom of God. He recounts simple stories that touch the hearts of his listeners. ...
Best of SLHour: Mental Health Sunday, the Humanity of Jesus and great music!
Salt + Light Hour
July 22, 2023
This week, on a special Summer edition of the SLHour, we revisit some of the conversations we had on this program earlier in 2023. We learn about mental health Sunday and the importance of recognizing mental health in the Church with Fr. Stephan Kappler of the Southdown Institute and speak with Jared Brock about his ...
What’s in the Instrumentum Laboris? A document for the whole Church | Synod on Synodality
Julian Paparella
July 22, 2023
On June 20, 2023, the Working Document (commonly known as the Instrumentum Laboris or “IL”) was published for the Synodal Assembly taking place in Rome this October. This Assembly will be the first of two sessions bringing the Synod on Synodality to fruition at the level of the universal Church. ...
5000 Canadian Youth Join Pope Francis in Portugal
Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops
July 19, 2023
More than 5,000 Canadian Youth are making their way to Lisbon, Portugal to be with Pope Francis, from 2 to 6 August 2023. ...
Best of SLHour: Men’s Conference, The Camino and great music!
Salt + Light Hour
July 15, 2023
This week, on the summer edition of the SLHour, we revisit some of the conversations we had on this program in early 2023. We learn about the National Men’s Conference, and also about a new film about the Camino de Santiago pilgrimage. We also meet singer/songwriter Patrick Briley and the band Steadfast Worship. Email Deacon ...
Encore Best of SLHour: Philo and Sophie, David and Goliath and Great Music!
Salt + Light Hour
July 8, 2023
This week, on a special “best of” edition of the SLHour, Camille Pauley of Healing the Culture tells us  about their new prolife TV series for kids, Philo and Sophie, and author Robert Leblanc explores the David and Goliath story; we also reconnect with singer/songwriters Cooper Ray and John Finch. This program first aired in September ...
Canadian Participants at the October General Assembly | Synod on Synodality
Matthew Neugebauer
July 7, 2023
This morning, the Synod Secretariat announced the participants of the upcoming XVI Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, who will be meeting this October and again next year. ...
The Universal Priesthood and Synodality | One Body
Nicholas Jesson
July 6, 2023
The reports issued during the diocesan and continental phases of the Synod on Synodality 2021-2024 offer a consistent call for a renewed understanding of the universal or baptismal priesthood. ...