Pope Francis’ Prayer Intention for July 2023
Pope Francis
July 4, 2023
We join the Holy Father in praying for Catholics to place the celebration of the Eucharist at the heart of their lives. ...
Encore SLHour: Indigenous Voices Episode 6
Deacon Pedro
July 1, 2023
This week on the SLHour we bring you the sixth episode of our mini-series, Indigenous Voices where we learn from the stories, traditions, legends and culture of our Indigenous brothers and sisters.  This week we meet Shaun Vincent, a Métis, graphic designer from Winnipeg, Manitoba and Michele Sam of the  Ktunaxa people in British Columbia. ...
Our gift to you as we celebrate 20 Years of Salt + Light Media
Salt + Light Media
July 1, 2023
For twenty years we have made your hope our mission. From Papal visits, to World Youth Day coverage, to inspiring stories from countries around the globe, it brings us such joy to fill your homes with uplifting Catholic media. ...
The Good Samaritan in the Digital World
Alessandro Adorante
June 30, 2023
For Gen Zers like me (born between 1995 - 2010), the rise of social media was a defining moment of our formative years. ...
Pope Francis’ homily for the Solemnity of Sts. Peter and Paul 2023
Pope Francis
June 29, 2023
Peter and Paul: two apostles in love with the Lord, two pillars of the faith of the Church. As we reflect on their lives, today’s Gospel sets before us the question that Jesus posed to his disciples: “Who do you say that I am?” (Matthew 16:16) ...
Pope’s General Audience – June 28, 2023
Pope Francis
June 28, 2023
In this series of catecheses on apostolic zeal – we are talking about this – we are encountering some exemplary figures of men and women from all times and places, who have given their lives for the Gospel. ...
Mount Athos, Saint Joseph of Hesychast
Marie Anne Torres
June 24, 2023
“Mount Athos, St. Joseph Hesychast” is the type of movie you watch and immediately want to share with all of your friends. The film shares the life of St. Joseph Hesychast, from his boyhood to his days as a holy Monk on Mount Athos in Greece. ...
S3 E10 | behold
Jennifer Nip
June 22, 2023
Towards Full Presence: Weavers of Communion
Matthew Neugebauer
June 22, 2023
Following Chapter Two of Fratelli Tutti, the reflection takes up the parable of the Good Samaritan as its guide to pastoral reflection. ...
Saint Paul VI, Pope of dialogue elected 60 years ago
Julian Paparella
June 20, 2023
Who is Paul VI and why is he important for us today? He was elected 60 years ago this week, on June 21, 1963. This was right in the midst of the Second Vatican Council, ...