Pope Francis in Ecuador: Homily in Quito – Parque Bicentenario
Salt + Light Media
July 7, 2015
On Tuesday, July 7, 2015, Pope Francis presided over a mass at the Parque Bicentenario in Quito, Ecuador for the Evangelization of Peoples, in front of over 1 million people. The full text of his homily can be found below: The word of God calls us to live in unity, that the world may believe. ...
Diving into the Deep-End of Terrorism
Stefan Slovak
July 7, 2015
When one thinks of the Holy See, they instinctively turn their gaze to the Vatican, the epicenter of power in the Catholic Church. It is from there that we hear the voices of popes, prefects and other officials, who pronounce the message of the Church. However this is not the only place where the Holy ...
Pope Francis in Ecuador: Homily in Guayaquil – Parque de los Samanes
Salt + Light Media
July 6, 2015
Following Pope Francis’ visit to the Sanctuary of Divine Mercy in Guayaquil, the Holy Father presided at the Holy Mass at the Parque de Los Samanes for the faithful in Ecuador’s most populous city. The Mass was dedicated to the family. Read the full text of the Holy Father’s homily below: The Gospel passage which we ...
Pope Francis arrives in Ecuador – Welcome Ceremony at Airport
Salt + Light Media
July 5, 2015
On Sunday, June 5, 2015, Pope Francis arrived in Ecuador for the start of his week long Apostolic Journey to South America. The full itinerary includes more than 24 thousand kilometers of travel over the course of the week, along with radical changes in altitude and temperature as well: in just seven days Pope Francis will ...
Deacon-structing Marriage: Part 1
Deacon Pedro
July 5, 2015
So here we go…. I’ve been sitting here pondering on the SCOTUS decision of last week, legalising same-sex marriage in all of the U.S. and all I kept thinking of was “But, what is marriage?” Who decides what marriage is? Why is marriage of any concern to the state? Who designed marriage in the first place? ...
Cultivating and Caring for Creation: Becoming Committed
Salt + Light Media
July 4, 2015
In preparation for Pope Francis’ new ecological encyclical, Laudato Si, which came out on June 18, 2015, the Roman Catholic Diocese of Saskatoon, led by Bishop Donald Bolen, have released a series of videos and study guides on how Catholics are leading and participating in a new commitment to respect and protect. The series is based on a ...
Coast to Coast: June 29 to July 3
Alicia Ambrosio
July 4, 2015
Here’s what been making headlines across the country this week: In Ontario, the provincial government pushes forward with a “cap-and-trade” plan to reduce carbon emissions. The Catholic Register’s Michael Swan looks at how the plan stacks up in light of Pope Francis’ encyclical “Laudato Si.” In Edmonton, The Western Catholic Reporter’s Ramon Gonzalez looks at ...
Family Living in God’s Country
Cheridan Sanders
July 4, 2015
Cheridan Sanders chats with Andrea Lefebvre mother of 5, about Yukon-living, open-door hospitality and the call to live as a lay missionary. It takes a special kind of person to venture out and live in the Yukon. With an average temperature of -22 degrees celsius in the winter months and a population of less than ...
Behind Vatican Walls: The Peripheries of Latin America
Alicia Ambrosio
July 3, 2015
On July 5 Pope Francis embarks on his ninth voyage outside of Italy. It will also be the second time since his election that he sets foot on on South American soil. This visit will take him to Ecuador, Bolivia and Paraguay, and have him delicately side step home country. The visit and each of ...
Cultivating and Caring for Creation: Think Globally, Work Locally
Salt + Light Media
July 2, 2015
In preparation for Pope Francis’ new ecological encyclical, Laudato Si, which came out on June 18, 2015, the Roman Catholic Diocese of Saskatoon, led by Bishop Donald Bolen, have released a series of videos and study guides on how Catholics are leading and participating in a new commitment to respect and protect. The series is based on a ...