Cultivating and Caring for Creation: Presence of God
Salt + Light Media
June 10, 2015
In preparation for Pope Francis’ new ecological encyclical set to come out June 18, 2015, the Roman Catholic Diocese of Saskatoon, led by Bishop Donald Bolen, have released a series of videos and study guides on how Catholics are leading and participating in a new commitment to respect and protect. The series is based on a recent ...
The Bots Are Coming!
Cheridan Sanders
June 7, 2015
It all began with a conversation in the car on our way to Montreal. My co-worker, Karen shared with me a terrifying discovery: robot music. She came across it, the same way I suppose we all do; following a bread-crumb trail of related youtube videos. The video’s tone seemed innocuous even positive, but its conclusion: ...
Cultivating and Caring for Creation: Who Is in Greatest Peril?
Salt + Light Media
June 7, 2015
In preparation for Pope Francis’ new ecological encyclical set to come out June 18, 2015, the Roman Catholic Diocese of Saskatoon, led by Bishop Donald Bolen, have released a series of videos and study guides on how Catholics are leading and participating in a new commitment to respect and protect. The series is based on a recent ...
Deacon-structing Creation
Deacon Pedro
June 7, 2015
A few events the last couple weeks have led me to today’s reflection. Primarily, the fact that the Vatican has announced that Pope Francis will be releasing his second Encyclical later this month and that the topic of this papal document is the ecology. Add to that, the incredible response the news has garnered from ...
Pope Francis in Sarajevo: Address to Young People of Bosnia-Herzegovina
Salt + Light Media
June 6, 2015
Pope Francis in Sarajevo urges youth to build a more just & peaceful society Pope Francis on Saturday urged the young people of Bosnia-Herzegovina to be protagonists in the building of a more just, dignified and peaceful society in their country. During the final event of his one-day visit to the capital, Sarajevo, the Pope ...
Pope Francis in Sarajevo: Address to Interfaith Communities
Salt + Light Media
June 6, 2015
Pope Francis says interfaith dialogue is a duty for all in Bosnia-Herzegovina Interreligious dialogue is “an indispensable condition for peace” and “a duty for all believers”. That was Pope Francis’ reminder to the people of Bosnia-Herzegovina on Saturday afternoon as he met with leaders of the Muslim, Orthodox, Catholic and Jewish communities gathered in a ...
Pope Francis in Sarajevo: Pope Francis spontaneously addresses Religious in Sarajevo
Salt + Light Media
June 6, 2015
Pope Francis spontaneously addresses Religious in Sarajevo: “A man and a woman who consecrate their lives to the Lord, but don’t know how to forgive, are worth nothing.” On Saturday June 6, Pope Francis was set to deliver a speech during a meeting in Sarajevo with men and women religious. But after listening to first ...
Pope Francis in Sarajevo: Meeting with Authorities; Mass in Stadium
Salt + Light Media
June 6, 2015
Pope Francis arrives in Sarajevo: “Heal the wounds of the past and look to the future with hope” Pope Francis arrived shortly after 9 a.m. in Sarajevo, capital of Bosnia-Herzegovina and the destination of his eighth apostolic trip. The central theme of the Holy See’s concern for Bosnia-Herzegovina – visited twice by St. John Paul ...
The Heart of the Diaconate
Salt + Light Media
June 6, 2015
Most deacons and priests are still confused about the diaconate, not to mention parishioners at large. This week we speak with Deacon James Keating, whose new book The Heart of the Diaconate gets to the heart of the matter; Fr. Tom Rosica, CSB has a reflection for the Feast of Corpus Christi; Gillian Kantor gets ...
My Sister’s Keeper
Cheridan Sanders
June 5, 2015
False promises of a better future is the way traffickers usually bait and enslave their victims. Most of the time their targets are the poor or marginalized; especially girls who lack access to education and basic services. But the Sisters of the Sacred Heart in Nigeria are doing everything they can to put an end ...