Pope Francis Announces Names of New Cardinals
Alicia Ambrosio
January 12, 2014
Pope Francis announced the names of the 19 new cardinals he will create in the upcoming February 22 consistory. One of the prelates who will receive a red hat is Archbishop Gerald Lacroix of Quebec City. The pope announced the names after leading the Angelus prayer on January 12. Out of the 19 prelates who ...
Christmas without Gift Wrapping
Stefan Slovak
January 11, 2014
As in past years, Christmas 2013 was what I had expected it to be; in fact it really wasn’t all that different from any other year. Seeing family at the regularly scheduled times, being at the same masses (emphasis on the plural), hearing the same carols and even in some cases the same sermons. Christmas ...
Speaking for Asia Bibi; fragile faith and other conversations
Salt + Light Media
January 11, 2014
This week on a special edition of the SLHour, French journalist Anne-Isabelle Tollet speaks on behalf of Asia Bibi, a Pakistani Christian woman awaiting execution on the charge of blasphemy and Fr. Scott Hurd tells us what to do when our faith feels fragile.  We also meet the California-based Jacob and Matthew Band and Sarah ...
Vatican Connections – Friday, January 10, 2014
Alicia Ambrosio
January 10, 2014
This week we take a look at the Christmas celebrations at the Vatican: which traditions did Pope Francis keep and what new traditions did he forge? We also look ahead to the changes that will be coming down the pipe very soon at the heart of the Church. ...
She Pondered These Things in her Heart
Alicia Ambrosio
January 10, 2014
For the past ten years my Christmas begins and ends with the noise and frenzy of an airport, the fuss associated with air travel, and the grogginess of jet lag. It is filled with the excitement of counting down to the days “till I fly home” and then the bittersweet countdown to the day I ...
Perspectives Daily – Jan. 9, 2014
Carlos Ferreira
January 9, 2014
Tonight on Perspectives The Extraordinary chapter of the Legionaries of Christ starts And one NGO says that persecution of Christians will rise in 2014 ...
Study the Scriptures and recapture the magic of Christmas
Sebastian Gomes
January 9, 2014
I think the reason we love the Christmas season is because it evokes so many memories from our childhood, whether it’s playing board games, decorating the Christmas tree, singing carols, or just the excitement of a visit from Santa that sparks feelings of generosity and thankfulness in everyone.  But doesn’t it seem like there was ...
Perspectives Daily – Jan. 8, 2014
Carlos Ferreira
January 8, 2014
Tonight on Perspectives NGO alerts for discrimination of Christians in Kazakhstan And we take a look at today’s general audience ...
So this is Christmas….
Jeroen Van Der Biezen
January 8, 2014
Who doesn’t know the familiar song by John Lennon? Toronto is hit by an ice storm, over 600.000 households without power, large branches cover the streets and live cables are hanging loose, but in our hearts we’re confident that power will be restored soon enough, and Christmas is still some days away; no reason to ...
Simplicity and Gratitude: A New Year’s Resolution to keep
Cheridan Sanders
January 7, 2014
I’ve been contemplating what my New Year’s resolution should be. I couldn’t settle on which direction I should go so I went to Pinterest for inspiration. Luckily for me, Pope Francis is the most popular guy on the internet so he reached out to this wayward creature (and provided some much needed redirection) through a ...