Perspectives Daily – Dec. 18, 2013
Carlos Ferreira
December 18, 2013
Tonight on  Perspectives  Canada has a new Apostolic Nunzio And we take a look at today’s general audience ...
The “O” Antiphons: O Adonai…
Deacon Pedro
December 18, 2013
From December 17-23, I’d like to share with you these antiphons, that you will pray with them and they will help you continue to prepare for the Advent of our Lord. May they become part of your Advent tradition as they are becoming part of mine. For December 18, the antiphon is based on Exodus ...
Perspectives Daily – Dec. 17, 2013
Stefan Slovak
December 17, 2013
Today on Perspectives, Pope Francis’ birthday, a new saint for the Church, a Canadian is reconfirmed in Rome and big news for Catholics in New York. ...
Happy Birthday Pope Francis
Salt + Light Media
December 17, 2013
Today is Pope Francis’ 77th Birthday. He has already had several Birthday celebrations over the past few days. The children from the St. Martha Pediatric Dispensary presented him with a birthday cake on Saturday (complete with lit candles). Sunday, before the Angelus, the faithful gathered at St. Peter’s sang Happy Birthday to the pope. This ...
The “O” Antiphons: O Wisdom…
Deacon Pedro
December 17, 2013
I vaguely remember my mother telling us, during the Season of Advent, while growing up, about the “O” antiphons. I never really understood what these were. Even as an adult, she would occasionally send me various reflections on the “O” antiphons. I must say, with regret that while I thought it to be an important ...
Vatican Connections: December 13, 2013
Alicia Ambrosio
December 15, 2013
This week we look at why TIME named Pope Francis “Person of the Year”, we get the details on the story of one Franciscan community currently undergoing an Apostolic Visitation, and we speak to a representative from Development and Peace, the Canadian member of Caritas Internationalis about the Pope-promoted campaign to end hunger: “One Human ...
“Never be afraid of tenderness” – Pope Francis interview with La Stampa
Salt + Light Media
December 15, 2013
The Italian newspaper La Stampa has published an exclusive interview with Pope Francis where he speaks about Christmas, hunger in the world, the suffering of children, the reform of the Roman Curia, women cardinals, the Institute for the Works of Religion (IOR), and his upcoming apostolic visit to the Holy Land.   By: ANDREA TORNIELLI (VATICAN INSIDER) ...
A voice in a Toronto courtroom and in the desert of Spain
Salt + Light Media
December 14, 2013
When do we become human? That’s the argument of defense in the prolife activist, Mary Wagner case. This week we speak with Defense attorney Charles Lugosi about it. Danny Torchia teaches us how to make the perfect media kit and we meet the Spanish rock group La Voz del Desierto. Email us your comments ...
The joy of singing God’s praises!
Cheridan Sanders
December 12, 2013
There are few Toronto Catholics (especially those who frequent the downtown core) who aren’t well-acquainted with St. Michael’s Choir School. They’re a regular feature at St. Michael’s Cathedral. It’s a rare treat though to interview them, and I was glad to have an opportunity to speak with the Choir’s talented conductors and singers on the ...
Perspectives Daily – Dec. 11, 2013
Carlos Ferreira
December 11, 2013
Tonight on Perspectives:– Pope Francis is the Time Person Of the year– And we take a look at today’s general audience   ...