Pope Francis at General Audience
Salt + Light Media
October 24, 2013
Pope Francis’ Message for 30th Anniversary of Vatican Television Center
Salt + Light Media
October 24, 2013
Here is a translation of the message that Pope Francis sent to the Director of the Vatican Television Center (CTV), Monsignor Dario Edoardo Vigano, and to the participants in the “Thirty Years of the Vatican Television Center: TV That Relates the Pope to the World” Conference, organized on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of ...
Pope Francis warns against greed, learn about the Popes who used film to evangelize
Salt + Light Media
October 21, 2013
Tonight on Perspectives:  Pope Francis warns against greed, and take a look at how the Popes have evangelized through film. ...
Those missionaries who work without making noise, and who give their lives…
Salt + Light Media
October 20, 2013
Today is the 87th World Mission Sunday. After the Angelus, Pope Francis addressed the crowds gathered in St. Peter’s square with these words: Dear brothers and sisters, Today is World Mission Day. What is the mission of the Church? To spread throughout the world the flame of faith that Jesus has lighted in the world: ...
To Be a Missionary is…
Deacon Pedro
October 20, 2013
What does it mean to be a missionary today? As we approach the end of the Year of Faith, we can say that to be a missionary is at the heart of the new evangelization, especially when we have a pope that is inviting us to go out to the peripheries! Today, as we celebrate ...
Vatican Connections: October 18, 2013
Alicia Ambrosio
October 18, 2013
In a week when the media was focusing on bishops with lavish spending habits, and funeral rites for Nazi war criminals, Pope Francis was drawing people back to what matters: prayer. Pope Francis put prayer front and centre this week any chance he could get. On Thursday the official papal tweet read: “Our prayer cannot ...
Perspectives Daily – Oct. 16, 2013
Carlos Ferreira
October 16, 2013
  Tonight on Perspectives Pope Francis sends a message  for world food day and we take a look to today’s general audience ...
Has Christ Been Divided?
Salt + Light Media
October 16, 2013
  This post was contributed by Rev. Dr. Karen Hamilton, Secretary General of the Canadian Council of Churches.    As I write this blog on the 2014 Week of Prayer for Christian Unity in full awareness of it’s theme “Is Christ Divided?”, it is Thanksgiving Monday, a time when so many of us focus on ...
Vatican Television Centre Celebrates 30 years of Service
Salt + Light Media
October 14, 2013
On Friday, October 18, 2013, a special Symposium (Convegno) will be held in Rome commemorating the 30th Anniversary of the foundation of the Vatican Television Centre (CTV). The important gathering will be held at the Sala Stampa Estera (Foreign Press Centre) in downtown Rome. Hosted by CTV, the program will feature messages from Pope Francis ...
Pope Francis Consecrates the World to Mary: Sunday, Oct. 13
Salt + Light Media
October 13, 2013
Below is the full text of Pope Francis homily for Marian Day. The celebration was organized as part of the Year of Faith and coincided with the anniversary of the final apparition at Fatima. The statue of Our Lady was flow to Rome from Fatima on Saturday for Marian Day. During the celebration Pope Francis ...