Perspectives Daily – Nov. 27, 2013
Carlos Ferreira
November 27, 2013
Tonight on  Perspectives, Courtyard of the Gentile goes to Berlin and we take a look at today’s general audience ...
Missionary Congress begins with call to share our faith
Deacon Pedro
November 27, 2013
The fourth Missionary Congress of the Americas (CAM 4) and the Ninth Latin American Congress (Comla 9) began last night with an outdoor Mass on the plaza in front of the Basilica of Maracaibo. The Most Rev. Ubaldo Santana, Archbishop of Maracaibo greeted the 3000 present, “Missionary America, welcome to Maracaibo!” The Mass was presided ...
The Adventures of an Intern: From Salt + Light to Peace and Security
Julian Paparella
November 27, 2013
At the end of September, I reached the end of my second summer working at Salt + Light.  It had been another enriching and exciting several months spent with wonderful, warm, and dedicated people in a close-knit and faith-filled working environment.  But this time, instead of heading back to McGill University to continue my studies, ...
Evangelii Gaudium: The Joy of the Gospel
Salt + Light Media
November 26, 2013
Pope Francis has issued his first Apostolic Exhortation on Tuesday, Evangelii Gaudium, translated into English as The Joy of the Gospel. The 224-page document outlines the Pope’s vision for a missionary Church, whose “doors should always be open”. The Pope speaks on numerous themes, including evangelization, peace, homiletics, social justice, the family, respect for creation, ...
Called to Service: Women and the New Evangelization
Cheridan Sanders
November 25, 2013
This past weekend, I had the great honour to speak at the Inaugural Women’s Conference for the Archdiocese of Vancouver. It was a soulful and joyful experience to be gathered together with women of faith from all walks of life, sharing and learning together. After the talk, several women inquired if the talk would be ...
Venezuela welcomes missionaries of the Americas
Deacon Pedro
November 25, 2013
The Letter to the Hebrews reminds us that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and for ever (13:8). This is why the mission of God, this mission for all humanity, a mission we should all be taking seriously, calls us today to discern how best to fulfill it to our people in our day. ...
Pope Francis’ Homily for the Conclusion of the Year of Faith
Salt + Light Media
November 24, 2013
Today’s solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe, the crowning of the liturgical year, also marks the conclusion of the Year of Faith opened by Pope Benedict XVI, to whom our thoughts now turn with affection and gratitude. By this providential initiative, he gave us an opportunity to rediscover the beauty of ...
Mary film comes to the big screen
Salt + Light Media
November 23, 2013
Mary of Nazareth is the newest movie to follow in the wake of the success of The Passion of the Christ. Today we speak with Tony Ryan, director of sales and marketing for Ignatius Press who tells us all about it; Hollywood Undercover Missionary, Mark Matthews tells us how to befriend celebrities and Sarah Hart ...
Are we too preoccupied with the new evangelization?
Deacon Pedro
November 23, 2013
One of the first times that I heard the phrase “the new evangelization” was in John Paul II’s Apostolic letter Novo Millennio Ineunte (at the close of the Great Jubilee of 2000): Over the years, I have often repeated the summons to the new evangelization. I do so again now, especially in order to insist ...
Vatican Connections: November 22, 2013
Alicia Ambrosio
November 22, 2013
 This week: Pope Francis is set to release a document on evangelization, Google uncovers the catacombs, and Cardinal Zen shares his insights into the relationship between the Holy See and China.  *** One story that didn’t make into this week’s program but merits a second look is Pope Francis and the mafia.  Pope Francis has ...