S3 E2 | Prodigyl
Jennifer Nip
December 23, 2022
O Emmanuel
Louisa Florentin
December 23, 2022
Come, Emmanuel, God’s presence among us, our King, our Judge: save us, Lord our God! Who is resting in the manger of your heart? Before we collectively answer “Jesus,” let’s really ponder on this.  Christmas is coming tomorrow night. How are you setting yourself, your space, your time, and your heart apart for Jesus? Will ...
Address of His Holiness Pope Francis to the Roman Curia for the Exchange of Christmas Greetings
Pope Francis
December 22, 2022
In the Benediction Hall on 22 December, 2022, Pope Francis exhorted the Roman Curia to practice “vigilance…in the service of the Holy See, at the heart of the Church.” Reflecting on St. Paul’s Epistle to the Ephesians, he told them that “kindliness, mercy and forgiveness are our medicine for building peace.”   Address of His Holiness Pope Francis ...
S3 E4 | behold
Jennifer Nip
December 22, 2022
O Rex Gentium
Julian Paparella
December 22, 2022
Come, King of all nations, source of your Church’s unity and faith: save all people, your own creation! Our poverty meets God’s poverty “Jesus is King of all nations.” We can ask the question: Is Jesus really the King of the nations? Isn’t that a bit presumptuous? What about countries and societies that aren’t Christian?  ...
Pope’s General Audience – Dec 21, 2022
Pope Francis
December 21, 2022
  Pope Francis concludes his series on discernment by looking at various aids to help us “read” our lives: “evaluating with the Word of God and the doctrine of the Church,” experiencing an “affective relationship with the Lord Jesus,” and remembering “the gift of the Holy Spirit.” Read the full text below: Dear brothers and sisters, good morning, and ...
O Oriens
Hayley Barnes
December 21, 2022
  Come, Radiant Dawn, splendour of eternal light, sun of justice: shine on those lost in the darkness of death!   Light, Liturgy and Time “The celebration of the birth of Christ [is] the dawning of the new light, the true sun, of history.” Pope Benedict XVI, The Spirit of the Liturgy, p. 107. Today’s antiphon ...
O Clavis David
Maria Montemayor
December 20, 2022
Come, Key of David, opening the gates of God’s eternal Kingdom: free the prisoners of darkness! Jesus is the key of David, setting prisoners free. I am reminded of Luke 23:42-43, when the good thief said to Jesus, “remember me when you come into your kingdom.” And Jesus replied to him, “Amen, I say to ...
Deacon-structing: The Feast of The Nativity
Deacon Pedro
December 19, 2022
But it's hard to escape the baggage of Christmas. It’s usually about this time that I start thinking about all the people who get lonely at Christmas. It’s true. This holiday reminds us of family, of our childhood and many people don’t have that, or have issues to reconcile or a past that they would rather not remember. Secular Christmas brings all that to the forefront. ...
O Radix Jesse
Marie Anne Torres
December 19, 2022
Come, Flower of Jesse’s stem, sign of God’s love for all his people: save us without delay! When I think of this antiphon I can’t help but think of Mary. In fact, I would consider that this O Antiphon, O Radix Jesse, is inseparable from Mary. But O Radix Jesse, Root of Jesse, is a ...