Meeting with Bishops: Address of His Holiness
Pope Francis
February 3, 2023
On February 3, 2023, Pope Francis met with CENCO, the episcopal conference of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. In his address, he encouraged his brother Bishops to “be touched and consoled by the closeness of God” and “be prophets of hope for the people.” Read the full text of his address below: Meeting with Bishops Address ...
Prayer Meeting with Priests, Deacons, Consecrated Persons, and Seminarians: Address of His Holiness
Pope Francis
February 2, 2023
On February 2, 2023, Pope Francis participated in a prayer meeting with clergy, religious, and seminarians in Notre Dame du Congo Cathedral. In his address, he reflected on three challenges that clergy and religious are called to overcome: “spiritual mediocrity, the temptation of worldly comfort, and the temptation to superficiality.” He said that the ordained ...
Meeting with Young People and Catechists: Address of His Holiness
Pope Francis
February 2, 2023
On February 2, 2023, the third day of his Apostolic Visit to the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Pope Francis heard from and responded to young people and catechists in Martyrs’ Stadium. He encouraged listeners to incorporate five “ingredients for the future” in their lives today: “prayer, community, honesty, forgiveness, and service.” Read the full ...
Meeting with Representatives from Charities: Address of His Holiness
Pope Francis
February 1, 2023
Pope Francis continued meeting at the Apostolic Nunciature in the Democratic Republic of the Congo on February 1. In his address to representatives of charitable organizations, he spoke about how the representatives embrace and encourage the poor.  Read the full text of the pope’s address below:  Meeting with representatives from charities Address of His Holiness ...
Meeting with Victims from the eastern part of the country: Address of His Holiness
Pope Francis
February 1, 2023
At the Apostolic Nunciature in Kinshasa on February 1, Pope Francis heard and responded to the stories of victims of violence in the eastern part of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. He encouraged listeners to “say no to violence” and “no to resignation,” to “demilitarize their hearts,” and “say yes to peace” and “yes ...
Pope Francis’ homily at Ndolo Airport
Pope Francis
February 1, 2023
On Wednesday, February 1, the second day of his visit to the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Pope Francis gave the homily at Holy Mass at Ndolo Airport in Kinshasa. Read the full text of his homily below:   Homily of His Holiness “Ndolo” Airport (Kinshasa) Wednesday, 1 February 2023   Bandeko, bobóto [Brothers and sisters, ...
Pope Francis’ Prayer Intention for February 2023
Salt + Light Media
February 1, 2023
Join us in prayer for the intentions entrusted to us by Pope Francis. For February 2023, we join the Holy Father in praying for: Parishes We pray that parishes, placing communion at the center, may increasingly become communities of faith, fraternity and welcome towards those most in need. Click the video above to watch a ...
Meeting with Authorities and Diplomatic Corps: Address of His Holiness
Pope Francis
January 31, 2023
On January 31, the first day of his apostolic visit to the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), Pope Francis gave an address to the president, members of government, diplomatic corps, and religious and civil authorities.  Read the full text of his address below:   Meeting with Authorities and Diplomatic Corps Address of His Holiness ...
Pope Benedict XVI: A Lifelong Commitment to Ecumenism | One Body
Sr. Donna Geernaert, SC
January 31, 2023
  Pope Benedict XVI: A Lifelong Commitment to Ecumenism by Sr. Donna Geernaert, SC   One day after his election to the papacy on April 19, 2005, Pope Benedict XVI addressed the College of Cardinals. He affirmed his commitment to the ecumenical agenda of his predecessor, Pope John Paul II, and identified his primary task ...
How to select a Catholic pilgrimage
Maria Montemayor
January 30, 2023
A pilgrimage is a spiritual journey to a sacred destination. While seeing beautiful and holy sites can be a perk of going on pilgrimages, people primarily embark on Catholic pilgrimages to encounter God in a profound and personal way. The goal is to come back transformed and, through your prayers, to transform the lives of ...