Registration WYD Rio officially open
Carlos Ferreira
August 31, 2012
Registration for WYD Rio 2013 is officially open.  Pilgrims must be registered in groups and the number of pilgrims in each group cannot be more than 50. Each pilgrim group needs to have a leader and a second-leader.  If the groups are co-ed the team leaders should be a man and a woman. All Canadian ...
Photo of the Day
Salt + Light Media
August 30, 2012
Today’s photo comes from Deacon Pedro Guevara Mann who participated in the Our Lady of Guadalupe Pilgrimage to the Canadian Martyr’s Shrine in Midland, Ontario. Hispanics from across the Archdiocese of Toronto gather every year in Midland for this special Marian event. ...
Inconspicuous Consumption
Alicia Ambrosio
August 30, 2012
A woman walks down a city street, glancing at storefront windows as she goes by. Suddenly she stops, walks backwards a few paces, and turns to look through a window. She spends a few moments looking through the window, glancing at the other objects in the window, yet her eye seems drawn to one item ...
‘The world needs to know’: S+L tour heads to Toronto
Kris Dmytrenko
August 29, 2012
If you’ve outlawed religion and politics when dining with the in-laws, then you should avoid bringing up the Israeli-Palestinian conflict at your Labour Day BBQ. This volatile mixture of policy and prophecy will singe everyone on the patio, and becomes even more combustible with a little alcohol. But that doesn’t mean that there isn’t a ...
You have searched me, Lord
Deacon Pedro
August 28, 2012
From the office of daily readings for August 28, Memorial of St. Augustine, Bishop and Doctor O Eternal Truth, true love and beloved eternity from The Confessions of Saint Augustine Urged to reflect upon myself, I entered under your guidance the innermost places of my being; but only because you had become my helper was ...
Perspectives Daily – August 27, 2012
Stefan Slovak
August 27, 2012
Today on Perspectives, Pope Benedict’s weekly Angelus, an Archbishop riven from Syria, Pakistani Christian children being slaughtered and the the Canadian Church seeks to help those in need. ...
A family turned to holiness
Carlos Ferreira
August 27, 2012
St. Monica with her son, St. Augustine. This week we celebrate two saints who belong to the same family. More incredibly, one is responsible conversion of the other. We’re speaking, of course,  about St. Monica and St. Augustine. St. Monica was born in Tagaste, which is now Algeria. Because of her name and place of ...
Photo of the Day
Salt + Light Media
August 27, 2012
Salt and Light cameraman David LeRoss examines an original page from the St. John’s Bible, the first handwritten Bible in hundreds of years that was commissioned by the Benedictine monks in Collegeville, Minnesota. The page is from the opening of the Gospel of John, depicting the Word made flesh amidst the cosmic energy of the ...
Photo of the day
Cheridan Sanders
August 25, 2012
Do not be afraid. Open wide the doors for Christ. To his saving power open the boundaries of states, economic and political systems, the vast fields of culture, civilization, and development. Do not be afraid. Christ knows what is in man. He alone knows it. So often today man does not know what is within ...
Not just another crisis
Kris Dmytrenko
August 25, 2012
When you first heard about the food crisis in the Sahel — if you’re not learning about it now, for the first time — you probably felt a sense of déjà vu. Wasn’t it just last year that a major famine struck Africa? Yes, but that was the Horn of Africa, consisting of Somalia, Ethiopia, ...