Photo of the day: Light of the Nations
Cheridan Sanders
August 10, 2012
The Council itself, in the Dogmatic Constitution Lumen Gentium, said this: While Christ, ‘holy, innocent and undefiled’ (Heb 7:26) knew nothing of sin (cf. 2 Cor 5:21), but came only to expiate the sins of the people (cf. Heb 2:17)…the Church…clasping sinners to its bosom, at once holy and always in need of purification, follows ...
Across the Divide in Ottawa and Toronto
Salt + Light Media
August 10, 2012
Salt + Light is pleased to announce we will be hosting special screenings of our latest film, Across the Divide, in Toronto and Ottawa this September. The film depicts the plight of the students of Bethlehem University and the struggles faced by the De La Salle Brothers who administer the school. Bethlehem University is the ...
“Caritas Christi urget nos” (2 Cor 5:14)
Cheridan Sanders
August 9, 2012
…it is the love of Christ that fills our hearts and impels us to evangelize. Today as in the past, he sends us through the highways of the world to proclaim his Gospel to all the peoples of the earth (cf Mt 28:19). Through his love, Jesus Christ attracts to himself the people of every ...
“Everyone who thus hopes in him purifies himself, as he is pure” (1John 3:3).
Cheridan Sanders
August 9, 2012
The primitive Church, then, certainly did not think of itself as the place of perfect people. Polemics arose over opinions within the community that truly risked schisms. Mutual hatreds surfaced, people proposed themselves as charismatics, thus disseminating confusion in the group. Pagan vices persisted and people drew away from the apostles’ message to follow their ...
Archbishop William Lori’s Homily at Knights of Columbus convention
Salt + Light Media
August 9, 2012
Archbishop William Lori of Baltimore gave the following homily during the Memorial Mass at the Knights of Columbus Supreme Annual Convention. Each year during the convention a Mass is celebrated in memory of all the Knights who have passed away during the year.  Worthy Supreme Knight and Mrs. Anderson, Brother Bishops, priests, and deacons, Brother ...
Perspectives Daily – Wednesday, August 8
Stefan Slovak
August 8, 2012
Today on Perspectives, the Pope’s General Audience and more from the Knights of Columbus Supreme Convention in Anaheim including States Dinner, mass coverage with Cardinals Levada and Collins and an interview with Cardinal Mahony. ...
Cardinal Timothy Dolan’s address at the Knights of Columbus States Dinner
Salt + Light Media
August 8, 2012
Supreme Knight and Mrs. Anderson; Past Supreme Knight and Mrs. Dechant; My brother knights and beloved wives; My brother cardinals; Bishop Brown, Archbishop Viganó, my brother bishops, priests, and deacons; Our consecrated women and men religious; Seminarians, guests, friends one and all . . . Que viva Cristo Rey! To anyone who claims the Church is ...
Archbishop Antonio Tagle addresses Knights of Columbus State Dinner
Salt + Light Media
August 8, 2012
Archbishop Antonio Tagle of Manila addressed the Knights of Columbus at the States Dinner in Anaheim.  This is the text of his address. It is with much joy that I bring you greetings from the Philippines. I am certain that the numerous Filipino members of the Knights of Columbus, their families, parishes and communities of ...
Cardinal Thomas Collins’ Homily at Knights of Columbus convention
Alicia Ambrosio
August 8, 2012
Cardinal Thomas Collins of Toronto gave the homily at the daily Mass for Wednesday, August 8 at the Knights of Columbus Supreme Annual Convention. Below is the text of the homily, as pronounced during the mass. Our mission, like that of each generation of Christians, is to make Christ known in the age in which ...
Archbishop Richard Smith at the Knights of Columbus State Dinner
Salt + Light Media
August 8, 2012
Yesterday evening in Anaheim, California the annual Knights of Columbus States Dinner was held. Archbishop Richard Smith of Edmonton, who is also the president of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops, was in attendance and he gave this address to convention participants. The Supreme Annual Convention brings together Knights from across the U.S., Canada, Cuba, ...