The Church finds her meaning solely in being a tool for salvation
Cheridan Sanders
September 25, 2011
The Holy Father reminds those Catholics working in the Church and society of the origins of the Church’s mission: the triune God, in the mystery of divine love. The Church finds her meaning solely in being a tool for salvation, in filling the world with God’s word, and in transforming the world by bringing it ...
Holy Father’s Angelus at Freiburg: Say ‘yes’ to God’s plan, and to your salvation
Cheridan Sanders
September 25, 2011
Holy Father’s Angelus address at Freiburg Airport: Dear Brothers and Sisters! At the end of this solemn celebration of holy Mass we now pray the Angelus together.  This prayer constantly reminds us of the historical beginnings of our salvation.  The Archangel Gabriel presents God’s plan of salvation to the Virgin Mary, by which she was ...
Pope Benedict XVI exhorts faithful to unity and humility
Cheridan Sanders
September 25, 2011
The Homily of the Holy Father at Holy Mass in Freiburg: Dear Brothers and Sisters, It is moving for me to be here once again to celebrate this Eucharist, this Thanksgiving, with so many people from different parts of Germany and the neighbouring countries.  We offer our thanks above all to God, in whom we ...
September 24, 2011
Salt + Light Media
September 24, 2011
[singlepic id=77 w=150 h=152 float=right] Parents, do you know that love is calling your children? Michèle Boulva of the Catholic Organization for Life and Family tells us about the new brochure to help parents nurture vocations in their kids; Gillian Kantor tells us what she learned from her kids this week and a featured chat with ...
Benedict XVI calls German faithful to participate in the new evangelization
Cheridan Sanders
September 24, 2011
Today Pope Benedict XVI met with the Council of the Central Committee of German Catholics: Dear Brothers and Sisters, I am grateful for this opportunity to come together, here in Freiburg, with you, the Council Members of the Central Committee for German Catholics (ZdK). I gladly express to you my appreciation for your work in ...
Benedict XVI to German youth: Dare to be glowing saints!
Cheridan Sanders
September 24, 2011
Pope Benedict’s words to young people at the prayer vigil in Freiburg, Germany: Dear young friends, Throughout today I have been looking forward to this evening, and to this opportunity to be together with you and to join you in prayer. No doubt some of you were present at World Youth Day, where we were ...
Homily of the Holy Father in Erfurt’s Cathedral Square
Cheridan Sanders
September 24, 2011
The following is the Homily of the Holy Father given at Holy Mass in Erfurt, Cathedral Square: Dear Brothers and Sisters, “Praise the Lord at all times, for he is good.”  These are the words that we sang just before the Gospel.  Yes, we truly have reason to thank God with our whole hearts.  If ...
Pornography: where do you draw the line?
Cheridan Sanders
September 23, 2011
Where do you draw the line on pornography? That’s the question Pedro asks this week on Perspectives Weekly. Joining him for the discussion is Robert Borys, Author of Love, Marriage and– Pornography? The Catechism of the Catholic Church defines pornography as an offense against chasity, under article 2354: Pornography consists in removing real or simulated ...
Address of the Holy Father for Vespers at Etzelsbach
Cheridan Sanders
September 23, 2011
Huge crowds gathered to join the Holy Father as he celebrated Vespers of the Blessed Virgin Mary.  Below find his words to the thousands of German faithful gathered at Etzelsbach: Dear Brothers and Sisters, Now I am able to fulfill my wish to visit Eichsfeld, and here in Etzelsbach to thank Mary in company with ...
Holy Father meets with Lutherans in Germany
Cheridan Sanders
September 23, 2011
This morning the Holy Father met with the Council of the Evangelical Germany Church in Erfurt, in a former Augustinian Convent. A historic moment as this place is where Martin Luther was ordained a Catholic priest in 1507. Ladies and Gentlemen, As I begin to speak, I would like first of all to thank you ...