S+L broadcasts funeral Mass for Cardinal Aloysius Ambrozic
Salt + Light Media
August 30, 2011
[singlepic id=163 w=400 h=280 float=right]TORONTO, August 30, 2011 – Salt + Light will broadcast the funeral Mass of Cardinal Aloysius Ambrozic, retired Archbishop of Toronto, on Wednesday, August 31 at 10:30 live from St. Michael’s Cathedral in downtown Toronto. The live coverage begins at 10:15am with repeats at 8:00pm and midnight (all times Eastern). The broadcast ...
As funeral details are announced, Pope and PM pay tribute to Cardinal Ambrozic
Kris Dmytrenko
August 29, 2011
Toronto continues to mourn the loss of Cardinal Aloysius Ambrozic. The city’s Archbishop Emeritus—one of three Canadian Cardinals—died at 81 after a long illness. He retired as Archbishop of Toronto in 2006. Pope Benedict XVI sent a telegram of condolence to his family and the Church in Toronto. In his message, he recalled with gratitude ...
August 27, 2011
Salt + Light Media
August 27, 2011
[singlepic id=128 w=150 h=152 float=right] In this week’s Summer Edition of SLRadio we listen to a rebroadcast of a conversation with Julie Abernethy, ProLife street counsellor for Aid to Women in Toronto and Toronto’s Archbishop Thomas Collins shares his passion about Lectio Divina. Our featured music is from the internationally-acclaimed Britishgroup Libera and from Canadian ...
CNS: Recap of Pope Benedict’s trip to World Youth Day
Salt + Light Media
August 25, 2011
Carol Glatz, Catholic News Service’s Rome correspondent, gives us an overview of Pope Benedict’s recently-completed trip to Madrid, Spain for World Youth Day. ...
St. Lawrence, St. Augustine, St. Rose and the Panamanians…
Deacon Pedro
August 25, 2011
Last Tuesday, we kicked-off our WYD experience with the gathering for Canadian pilgrims – a first in WYD history and a wonderful way to begin our week. Yesterday, the feast of St. Rose of Lima, I had the chance to end my WYD experience with another national gathering – this one for Panamanian pilgrims that ...
Pilgrim report: The echo of the Gospel
Salt + Light Media
August 24, 2011
The following post was contributed by Stefanie Romano, a team leader from the Archdiocese of Toronto Office of Catholic Youth. The OCY Toronto pilgrims visited Rome before heading to World Youth Day in Madrid. I am amazed at how active the spirit has been. Praise be to Jesus for carrying us through this miraculous day. ...
Pilgrim report: The shepherd and the sheep
Salt + Light Media
August 23, 2011
The following post was contributed by Stefanie Romano, a team leader from the Archdiocese of Toronto Office of Catholic Youth. The OCY Toronto group traveled to Madrid, Spain for World Youth Day. At my previous international WYD in Sydney, I visited a sheep-shearing station in the countryside. It was an odd day-trip, but Australia is ...
Canadian bishops offer condolences to family of Jack Layton
Salt + Light Media
August 22, 2011
The President of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops, Bishop Pierre Morissette, has issued the following statement on the death of the Leader of the Opposition, Hon. Jack Layton. The Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops joins all Canadians in offering condolences and sympathy to the family, friends and political colleagues of the late Leader of ...
WYD – Pope lauds Spain’s ‘profoundly Catholic soul’ upon departure
Kris Dmytrenko
August 21, 2011
After thanking WYD volunteers, Benedict XVI left immediately for Madrid’s Barajas airport. In the presence of Spain’s King and Queen, he thanked the Spanish authorities and assured the country of his prayers. He specifically mentioned his concern for those suffering from the high rate of unemployment in Spain. The Holy Father called Spain “a great ...
WYD – Thanking volunteers, Benedict XVI asks for something more
Kris Dmytrenko
August 21, 2011
Today is the Pope’s last day in Madrid, but he wasn’t going to leave without expressing a personal thank you. Before heading to the airport, the Holy Father met with World Youth Day volunteers at the IFEMA Fairgrounds. In his address to volunteers, he said that their work and prayer was like “weav[ing], stitch by ...