CNS Vatican Report: Something to blog about
Matthew Harrison
May 3, 2011
The Catholic blogosphere has touched down in Rome. Catholic News Service has more on the meeting between Catholic bloggers and Vatican officials. To download Flash Player please click here ...
Communications and China highlight May Papal intentions
Matthew Harrison
May 2, 2011
On May 1st we celebrated the Beatification of John Paul II. That 1.5 million (!) people gathered in Rome for this historic event is a testament to the connection that the Polish Pontiff had with the faithful. He was a great communicator — and some consider that one of the lasting hallmarks of his life. ...
Issue 1 – Spring 2011
Salt + Light Media
May 2, 2011
“What John Paul II asked of everyone, he was himself the first to do” – Full text of beatification homily
Salt + Light Media
May 1, 2011
The following is the full text of the homily of Pope Benedict XVI, preached today at the Mass of Beatification of John Paul II in St. Peter’s Square. Homily of His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI Beatification of Pope John Paul II Sunday, 1 May 2011 Dear Brothers and Sisters, Six years ago we gathered in ...
Rite of Beatification: What are they saying?
Kris Dmytrenko
May 1, 2011
The following is an unofficial English translation of the Rite of Beatification of John Paul II, pronounced moments ago in St. Peter’s Square. RITE OF BEATIFICATION 1. CARDINAL AGOSTINO VALLINI, VICAR GENERAL OF ROME: Beatissimo Padre, il Vicario Generale di Vostra Santità per la Diocesi di Roma domanda umilmente alla Santità Vostra di voler iscrivere ...
Santo Subito
Alicia Ambrosio
May 1, 2011
The theme song for World Youth Day 2000, held in Rome began with the lines, “from many roads we come to Rome, following the footsteps of faith.” Today, St. Peter’s is again a meeting point for the youth of world, this time to celebrate the man who taught them that they have an indispensable place ...
April 30, 2011
Salt + Light Media
April 30, 2011
[singlepic id=113 w=150 h=180 float=right] Pope john Paul II is the only Pope in history to have songs written about him. Tomorrow, he will be beatified and so tonight on SL Radio we play a rebroadcast from April 2009 when we remembered John Paul II with Fr. Thomas Rosica. We will also hear from several ...
Salt + Light celebrates John Paul II’s beatification this weekend
Matthew Harrison
April 29, 2011
The crowds shouted “Santo Subito” — Sainthood now! – at his funeral, and now some six years later he’ll be joining the ranks of the saints! This Sunday Pope John Paul II will be declared Blessed. Our coverage for the Beatification Mass begins at 3:30am ET/12:30am PT on May 1st, and includes our production Thank ...
Tonight on Perspectives: Remembering John Paul II
Jenna Murphy
April 29, 2011
Do you have a “JP II moment”? Most of us do. This charismatic man was a fixture in my life. He was all I ever knew as Pope until the ripe old age of 20! To be sure (and later to be reinforced over and over): he shaped my experience of the Church and, in ...
Of Weddings and Beatifications
Deacon Pedro
April 29, 2011
I’ve been doing a fair bit of traveling lately and one of the things I like to do while in airports is browse through the magazine and bookstores. I never buy magazines or even look through them much, so this is about the only time that I have a sense of what magazines are publishing. ...