Why Am I Pro-Life?
Deacon Pedro
May 10, 2011
I was at an abortion debate recently and even though the pro-life speaker made it really clear that his position had to do with the fact that he believes that an unborn human being is still a human being, a human person and as such, deserves the same rights and freedoms as any other human ...
Madrid: Detour to a “Beautiful Place”
Alicia Ambrosio
May 10, 2011
Working at World Youth Day has been an eye-opening experience both in terms of experiencing a new culture, but also being exposed to the richness of the universality of our Church through the different movements that are represented in the WYD organization. Some are new realities, some are just new to me like the Schoenstatt ...
A May Marian reflection on a March Marian celebration
Deacon Pedro
May 7, 2011
May is the month of Mary. That got me thinking about a Marian feast which we celebrate not in May, but in March — the Solemnity of the Annunciation. Those who’ve been to Israel, know that in Nazareth, in the Church of the Annunciation, the place where reportedly the Angel Gabriel appeared to Mary, in ...
Tonight on Perspectives: The elusive yoga question…
Jenna Murphy
May 6, 2011
If you follow us on Facebook, you may have noticed that this week’s Perspectives question garnered the most attention of all questions to date! The topic? Yoga. So is yoga a no-go? We’re all wanting to know! One of the most beautiful things about being Catholic is the ability to dialogue. “The glorious freedom of ...
CNS Vatican Report: A closer look at the Vatican-Blogger meeting
Matthew Harrison
May 6, 2011
Earlier this week we told you about the meeting between Vatican officials and bloggers. Catholic News Service’s Rome correspondent Carol Glatz was in attendance, and joins Rome Bureau Chief John Thavis to discuss the meeting in this week’s CNS Vatican Report. To download Flash Player please click here ...
CNS Vatican Report: Data shows religious freedom good for society, but on the decline
Matthew Harrison
May 5, 2011
Members of the Pontifical Academy for Social Sciences have met in Rome to discuss recent sociological findings concerning religious freedom and the modern world. Catholic News Service’s Carol Glatz has the details. To download Flash Player please click here Pope Benedict also addressed the Academy during their meeting. He expressed his thanks to them for ...
Moving forward in politics
Andrew Santos
May 5, 2011
As we wrap up another federal election (notably the fourth one in almost seven years), I would like to offer a few thoughts and tidbits about what I consider to be, the most exciting election I’ve seen in my time. I ‘ve always had a simple yet realistic idea that Canadians would elect either a ...
Panes of Glory: Meet the Wise Teachers
Mary Rose Bacani Valenti
May 5, 2011
If I want to relieve myself of physical pain, I could go to a doctor of medicine. If I want to know the argument for God’s existence, I could go to a doctor of philosophy. But if I want to know God so that I could love Him, I could go to a doctor of ...
CCCB and Holy See issue statements on former Bishop of Antigonish’s guilty plea
Salt + Light Media
May 4, 2011
Following the guilty plea of the Most Rev. Raymond Lahey, former Bishop of Antigonish, Nova Scotia, the following statement has been issued by Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops: The Most Reverend Raymond Lahey, former Bishop of Antigonish, has pled guilty to possession of child pornography. The Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops condemns all forms of ...
Play on the Curé of Ars tours Ontario and Atlantic Canada
Matthew Harrison
May 4, 2011
“Do something beautiful for God.” That’s the advice that Leonardo Defilippis received from Mother Teresa. The stage actor responded by dedicating his life to bringing the story of saints to the stage and screen through his company Saint Luke Productions. He’s told the stories of St. Maximilian Kolbe and St. Francis, as well as the ...