Perspectives Weekly: Could you forgive a sex-offender?
Jenna Murphy
February 24, 2011
Are there times when forgiveness doesn’t come easy to you? Is there a particular offense that would take your entire will to pardon? Last week, we posed this question on Facebook and not surprisingly, sex offenses were among the most common answers. With that said, we are reminded of the radical nature of forgiveness. If ...
The family that prays together, stays together
Jenna Murphy
February 21, 2011
Growing up, my mother would repeat this slogan as if it were her own. That said, I can’t deny its truth. The phrase was originally hatched as the mantra for the Family Rosary Crusade (started by Servant of God Father Patrick Peyton,CSC) . The crusade began in 1942 and the slogan was apparently first broadcast ...
February 19, 2011
Salt + Light Media
February 19, 2011
[singlepic id=104 w=150 h=150 float=right] The Academy Awards are coming and a highlight of the event are the short film awards. One of these films is the winner of the Angelus Student Film award – Tonight on S+L Radio we’ll be speaking with Luke Matheny about his film God of Love; Mark Matthews, our Undercover ...
Madrid: Spain’s Capital, decidedly.
Alicia Ambrosio
February 18, 2011
Did you know that Madrid was not originally the capital of Spain? Toledo was the home of the royal court and thus the capital city. It was in 1561 when Phillip II moved the royal court to Madrid, making it the capital. With that move, new buildings were commissioned so that Madrid would have everything ...
Tonight on Perspectives: What does religious freedom look like?
Jenna Murphy
February 18, 2011
The media have been turning our eyes to Egypt throughout these past few weeks. We have seen fiery images of shouting mobs, people climbing tanks and angry demonstrating. Just one month before all of this started, we heard about a bombing in Alexandria, the nation’s second largest city. The target? A Coptic (Christian) Church. Up ...
Panes of Glory: The Premiere!
Mary Rose Bacani Valenti
February 17, 2011
It was truly a glorious night of rejoicing and being among family and friends! Last night, St. Peter’s Seminary Foundation hosted the premiere of the first episode of Panes of Glory: The Windows of St. Peter’s Seminary — three times. At 3:00 pm, St. Peter’s Seminary staff and students gathered together to relish Fr. Prieur’s ...
Canada presses Afghanistan to spare Christian convert
Kris Dmytrenko
February 16, 2011
Last week we told you about the plight of Sayed Musa, a Christian convert sentenced to die in Afghanistan. Apostasy remains a capital offense in that country. Writing on behalf of the Canadian bishops, as the chair of their Human Rights Committee, Archbishop Brendan O’Brien of Kingston asked the Minister of Foreign Affairs to intervene ...
An extraordinary prayer in an unlikely place
Kris Dmytrenko
February 16, 2011
In nearly six years at S+L, my most challenging film shoot was at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem. Widely considered the holiest shrine in the world, the church features prominently in the documentary Within Your Gates. Gaining access to film in the edicule—the small structure marking Jesus’ burial tomb—felt like a minor ...
The Pope receives pilgrim pack
Matthew Harrison
February 15, 2011
Rosary? Check. Pilgrim’s booklet? Check. YouCat? Check. World Youth Day guidebook? Check. The pilgrim packs are being assembled for this year’s World Youth Day in Madrid. And just like when he became the first pilgrim to register for the August 2011 event, Pope Benedict became the first to receive the pilgrim pack. The Archbishop of ...
“The ability to foster vocations is a hallmark of the vitality of a local Church,” writes Pope in Vocations Day message
Matthew Harrison
February 14, 2011
While some shake their head at seemingly lower number of vocations, the Holy Father says that the Lord still calls people today, and “at every stage of life to share in his mission and to serve the Church in the ordained ministry and in the consecrated life.” The Lord is calling — but we must ...