S+L in Rome: Carnival
Kris Dmytrenko
February 24, 2009
This morning, I asked my colleagues at H2Onews how they celebrated Carnival, the Italian pre-Lenten festival. They shrugged their shoulders. Similarly, I don’t know many Canadians who strictly observe our Shrove Tuesday pancake tradition. Worldwide, I’m guessing that the majority of us can’t find time to party before Ash Wednesday arrives. Still, signs of Carnival ...
February 21, 2009
Salt + Light Media
February 21, 2009
What do you mean when you say, “I love you”? Is it OK to have sex outside of marriage? Does sex have anything to do with marriage? What about dating? Kissing before marriage? There are many questions about love, sex, marriage and relationships – Author and speaker Carmen Marcoux, helps us figure them out and ...
S+L in Rome: Anzio and the Cupola
Kris Dmytrenko
February 18, 2009
I surprised even myself by succeeding to catch the 7 AM train on Sunday.  I had woken up at 5:30 AM to do so, knowing that this was my only opportunity to reach the little-known island of Ponza. The ferry website listed just one boat departing from the seaside town of Anzio each morning. My ...
Cardinal Grocholewski on Quebec curriculum: “Almost anti-Catholic”
Kris Dmytrenko
February 18, 2009
Earlier this week I spoke with Cardinal Zenon Grocholewski at an Acton Institute-sponsored event at Rome’s Pontifical Antonianum University. The “State Financing of Catholic Schools” conference asked whether, as an extension of the recognized right to education in accord with conscience, governments were obliged to make alternative religious schools accessible to parents who can’t afford ...
Catholic Focus: Vanspec
Alicia Ambrosio
February 17, 2009
Imagine you have a special needs child. Maybe they have Downs syndrome, maybe they have Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, maybe they have Autism. Now imagine that you still want this child to learn about the faith, the faith that led you to keep them when doctors advised not to, or perhaps the faith that led ...
Human Rights In China
David Naglieri
February 16, 2009
Church observers on the state of religious freedom in China were watching carefully last week as The United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva conducted two days of hearings on China’s human rights record. Many human rights activists were hoping that Beijing might make some concessions even though its government is not required to follow ...
Love in the Body of Christ
Matthew Harrison
February 14, 2009
For weeks stores have been plastered with gushy greeting cards, displays of heart-shaped boxes brimming with chocolates, and little fuzzy bears with cheeky comments on t-shirts. Yes, it’s Valentine’s Day, and though refreshing, I’m not exactly sure if a bag of cinnamon hearts entirely embodies what love is. This weekend Salt + Light offers viewers ...
Catholic Focus: Touched by God
Mary Rose Bacani Valenti
February 12, 2009
During my retreat in January at the Monastery of the Precious Blood, my spiritual guide told me an anecdote. He went with a group to Manitoulin Island where they celebrated the Eucharist. He said he will never forget this line from the homily: “The Eucharist is God’s love made edible!” I reflected on how God ...
Modern Malnutrition
Alicia Ambrosio
February 11, 2009
On this the World Day of the Sick, my attention can’t help but turn to something I read recently about nutrition. With the world’s financial system in tilt almost everyone is feeling a crunch of some sort. Even those not directly affected have tightened their belts just in case. This might mean passing up on ...
Wednesday’s World Day of the Sick
David Naglieri
February 10, 2009
The Vatican has released Pope Benedict XVI’s message for the 17th World Day of the Sick. This day of recognition takes place each year on February 11, the Feast of our Lady of Lourdes. This year’s message focuses on the plight of children around the world. For many of us blessed enough to think of ...