My Fond Memories of Respect
Mary Rose Bacani Valenti
January 6, 2009
After a Christmas hiatus, we resume The World I Know: Virtues in Action series. This week we look at Respect. In the first segment of this show, Akheem Isaac introduces us to basketball, dance and all the other ways students can show respect in school. I remember when I was trying to find the perfect ...
Jimmy Stewart and God’s 911
David Naglieri
January 5, 2009
This past Christmas I watched the classic film It’s a Wonderful Life for the umpteenth time. It’s a film I have never grown tired of just like I never grow tired of Christmas turkey, presents under the tree and Panettone. I have always been inspired by Jimmy Stewart’s gripping portrayal of George Bailey, the down ...
Jesus, University Students and a New Year
Kris Dmytrenko
January 2, 2009
It’s a fair question: why would 600 students spend five days of their Christmas break at an religious conference? And just what attracted three archbishops, along with many priests? What could be newsworthy here to merit the attention of our Salt + Light cameras? As tipsy revelers filled Toronto’s Nathan Phillips Square, a different kind ...
The Mother of God, the Prince of Peace
Matthew Harrison
January 1, 2009
“A light will shine on us this day, the Lord is born for us: he shall be called Wonderful God, Prince of Peace, Father of the world to come; and his kingdom will never end.” (Isaiah 9:2, 6) Happy new year! 2009 is just minutes old — at least in Toronto — and though celebrations ...
There’s No Place like Home for the Holidays
Alicia Ambrosio
December 30, 2008
There’s a saying in Italian, “Natale con i tuoi, Pasqua con chi vuoi.” It means: “Christmas with your family, Easter with who ever you want”…which is why I am in Vancouver. Being home after a year away – probably more like four years away, if I count all my experiences abroad, is a surreal experience. ...
From the Garden, to the Manger
Matthew Harrison
December 29, 2008
If you caught our Catholic Focus Christmas episode you may recall Fr. Rosica referring to the wood of the manger and the wood of the cross.  I’ve found myself thinking of that point this past weekend after visiting the local Church’s Nativity scene.  The Christmas mystery, mingling with the Passion and the Easter mystery. Curiously, ...
Northern Christmas
Kris Dmytrenko
December 25, 2008
Few of the S+L hosts and writers remain in Toronto for Christmas. Among others, one is in Vancouver, a few are with relatives in New York State, and I’m in the northern Ontario town of Deep River. The pace here is a little slower, allowing a little more time to get reacquainted with old friends ...
The Shepherds Song: Come, Let Us Adore
Deacon Pedro
December 25, 2008
The night was still, the stars shinning bright. My friends and I lie awake, the fire gives us light. We watch our sheep and pray God hears our plight. How will we ever escape the painful lives we lead? Israel is held captive; we long to be freed, so we lie in silence and pray ...
His Gift
Matthew Harrison
December 24, 2008
As I sit here typing this on Christmas Eve, there’s a sense of excitement in the air.  Christmas is almost upon us!  This has me thinking about our Christmas Focus episode this year. When I was preparing for the show I had a very simple first question for you — What is Christmas for you? ...
Christmas Programming Reminder
Matthew Harrison
December 24, 2008
As we enter into Christmas Eve Day, Salt + Light wants to remind you of our Christmas programming line up.  We told you recently about The Priest’s concert, but there’s plenty more: Liam Neeson hosts The Birth of Christ, which offers highlights of Andrew T. Miller’s beautiful musical celebration of the Savior’s birth. Christmas in ...