Trapped in the Sex Trade
Kris Dmytrenko
December 5, 2008
I was returning to my apartment building one week ago when a 30-something smoker tried to strike a conversation. It was raining and well past midnight, but I obliged by seconding her complaints about the weather. “Would you like some company?,” she then asked. Her name was Donna. By “company” she meant the paid, sexual ...
Spiritual Advice from the Holy Father during Advent
Matthew Harrison
December 4, 2008
Pope Benedict XVI had a very full and rich Wednesday General Audience catechesis on St. Paul’s teachings of Christ as the new Adam (you can read the Zenit translation HERE). As we work our way through the first week of Advent though, it was the Holy Father’s comments to the Italian speaking pilgrims that caught ...
A Challenge Ahead
Alicia Ambrosio
December 3, 2008
A couple of weeks ago I posted a note about how the organizers of WYD 2011 in Madrid are hoping to “live intensely” the next three years and touch hearts. It looks like they’ve got their work cut out for them. In the northern Spanish city of Valladolid, a judge has ruled that Macias Picavea ...
My fond memories of “Self-Control”
Mary Rose Bacani Valenti
December 2, 2008
This week on The World I Know we look at Self-Control. In the first segment of this show, our two hosts Ashley Carey and Sheana Correia introduce us to Self-Control lived out in the school community. I remember the first time I visited their school and met their principal at the time. She talked about ...
Bringing Home the Light
Michele Nuzzo
December 1, 2008
It was around the dinner table at the home of an Austrian friend when I realized that the hills coming alive in Toronto theatres this year is far from being the only Austrian Christmas story touching Canadian hearts. This one may not involve 7 cute children responding to the call of a whistle, but it ...
Your Grace is Enough
Deacon Pedro
November 27, 2008
It was indeed enough – and we were all aware of it at last Friday’s Matt Maher concert, which took place at St. Aloysius Gonzaga H.S. in Mississauga, ON. The concert was the kick-off to the very first LifeTeen conference to take place outside of Canada. One of many, I hope. Matt Maher was born ...
Treasures of the North
Michele Nuzzo
November 27, 2008
Some of you may remember the kind face, warm heart and sound priestly advice of our beloved Fr. Gordon Kennedy. If you haven’t seen his signature smile grace our Salt and Light screen these past few months, it’s because Fr. Gordon has been assigned to pastor over the spectacular ‘cathedral of the north’ in Formosa, ...
Keeping the Faith During Economic Turmoil
David Naglieri
November 26, 2008
Just this past week the reality of the current economic crisis has hit home with me. For the past few months I have felt eerily detached from the screaming newspaper headlines and endless chatter among TV taking heads about the economic crisis. However, in recent weeks the statistics have finally become people I know, and ...
The Windows of St. Cecilia: Visiting the Nashville Dominicans, part 3 of 3
Mary Rose Bacani Valenti
November 26, 2008
When I visited the Motherhouse of the Nashville Dominicans I learned that each Sister sews their own habit during postulant year. Their habit has three parts, and they say a prayer as they put on each part. Sr. Kateri Rose can put on all three in a matter of seconds. I also asked, “How do ...
This Cup Comes with More Than Just Coffee
Michele Nuzzo
November 25, 2008
Mass, Adoration, Archbishop Collins leading meditation and lectio divina, confession with Toronto’s newest priests, free breakfast AND free lunch?!?! … no wonder Brennan Hall at St Michael’s College was packed to the brim with students and young professionals for the Office of Catholic Youth’s 2008 Advent Retreat. The zombie-like bodies of young adults from in ...