S+L AT THE PAPAL VISIT: Homily from the Mass @ Yankee Stadium
Matthew Harrison
April 20, 2008
The Holy Father preached an incredible homily during the Mass from Yankee Stadium on Sunday. It masterfully brought together the different themes Pope Benedict touched on in his addresses and homilies during the past six days. It’s a wonderful summary of his Apostolic Voyage — a message of joy, of faith, and a challenge to ...
S+L AT THE PAPAL VISIT: Live from Yankee Stadium
David Naglieri
April 20, 2008
Pope Benedict has just emerged from the Yankees dugout and proceeded to the altar consructed at second base. This is the third time a Pope has stepped onto the field at Yankee stadium. Pope Paul VI celebrated mass here in 1965 and John Paul II in 1979. I am sitting in the press box with ...
Kris Dmytrenko
April 19, 2008
Pope Benedict XVI in the rotunda of Washington’s John Paul II Cultural Center, Thursday April 17th. Kris Dmytrenko and David Naglieri uploading footage back to our Toronto studio from the Washington, D.C. Papal Visit media centre on Thursday, April 17th. Pope Benedict XVI at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception on ...
S+L AT THE PAPAL VISIT: Pope Benedict Addresses the UN
Matthew Harrison
April 18, 2008
Pope Benedict XVI arrived in New York Friday morning and was whisked away to the United Nations Headquarters, where he delivered a historic address to the General Assembly. ...
S+L AT THE PAPAL VISIT: Lost, part 2
Kris Dmytrenko
April 18, 2008
Let’s conclude the story. On Thursday night I found myself in the predicament I feared most: alone, broke and lost in Washington, D.C. Typically, our Vatican press pass provides us a police-escorted bus that promptly takes us to and from venues. It takes an item of supreme value–such as the camera battery charger plugged into ...
Lift Jesus Higher This Weekend!
Matthew Harrison
April 18, 2008
This Saturday in Toronto is the Lift Jesus Higher Rally. Come on out, bring a friend, and join the eight thousand plus that make this fantastic annual event from Catholic Renewal Ministries an occasion to celebrate our Catholic faith and worship the Lord! Click HERE for all the details including speakers, the youth rally, and ...
S+L AT THE PAPAL VISIT: Details on Pope Benedict’s meeting with sex abuse victims
David Naglieri
April 17, 2008
In an emotional encounter in the chapel of the Apostolic Nunciature, Pope Benedict XVI met privately on Thursday with several victims of clergy sexual abuse. The victims present were all middle-aged and did not wish to be identified. The meeting began at 4:15 PM and lasted for 20 to 25 minutes. The pontiff prayed the ...
BREAKING NEWS–Pope Benedict meeting with clergy sex abuse victims
Kris Dmytrenko
April 17, 2008
Vatican spokesperson Fr. Federico Lombardi is expected to announce that Pope Benedict XVI is meeting with a group of several victims of clergy sexual abuse. Sources have revealed this to Salt + Light journalist David Naglieri as he, along with a group of Vatican accredited journalists, awaits an imminent briefing by Fr. Lombardi at the ...
S+L AT THE PAPAL VISIT: At Nationals Stadium, Waiting for Mass to Begin
Kris Dmytrenko
April 17, 2008
I’m sending this report from the NBC press box overlooking several hundred concelebrants in Washington’s Nationals Stadium. The NBC cameras will be filming a live interview with me for CBC Newsworld at 10:15am ET. Though leaving the press corps feels risky given last night’s bus debacle, secret service has been helpful. On the way upstairs, ...
Kris Dmytrenko
April 17, 2008
“Can I help you?”, asked an angelic looking twenty-something. Her glossy ID tags suggested she might be of assistance, but I had been disappointed by many officials before her. I had found myself stranded at the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, D.C. The police-escorted media bus that drove us here had to ...