

李斌生主教在 1956 年 11 月 10 日出生於香港。他於 1976 年 7 月 24 日在香港天主教聖瑪加利大堂區領受聖洗聖事。他前往英國五年攻讀大學,完成建築課程。他於 1978 年在倫敦以獨身成員加入主業團。於 1982 年他回港開始在建築公司中工作。
1984 年,他進入主業團在羅馬的國際修院,繼續完成司鐸培訓的哲學及神學課程。然後,他前往西班牙潘普洛納的納瓦拉大學深造,完成教會法的博士課程。他於 1988 年 8 月 20 日在西班牙晉鐸。1989 年他返回香港,開始他的牧靈工作:擔任主業團中心和學校神師、香港教區法庭辯護人、德信學校校監等。他於2012 年被主業團主教監督委任為東亞區區代表。同時,他仍然繼續為主業團、教區、堂區及不同團體主持每月退省講道、指導避靜、講授教理等。
於 2014 年 7 月 11 日,他被教宗方濟各委任為香港教區輔理主教。他於同年8 月 30 日被祝聖為主教。他在教區內負責信友培育、學校、傳播、禮儀及建築發展等。當澳門主教黎鴻昇辭職後,教宗方濟各於 2016 年 1 月 16 日委任他為澳門教區新主教。
Catholic Diocese of Hong Kong
Press Release
Papal Appointment of H.E. Bishop Stephen LEE Bun-sang as new Bishop of Macau
Our Diocese has received the following announcement from the Holy See:
The Bishop of Macau, H.E. Bishop José Lai Hung-seng, for health reasons and for medical treatments, has decided to present his resignation from office of Bishop of Macau to the Holy Father.
Acceding to this legitimate request of Bishop Lai, Pope Francis has today (16 January 2016) accepted his resignation and at the same time has appointed H.E. Bishop Stephen Lee Bun-sang, who is at present Auxiliary Bishop of Hong Kong, as the new Bishop of Macau.
Bishop Stephen Lee Bun-sang will take possession of the Diocese of Macau on Saturday, 23 January 2016, at 3 p.m. with the Eucharistic celebration that will take place at the Cathedral to mark the 440th Anniversary of establishment of the Diocese of Macau.
The solemn event of 23 January will also be also a happy occasion to welcome Bishop Stephen Lee and to thank sincerely Bishop José Lai for his generous episcopal ministry which he started on 23 January 2001 as Coadjutor Bishop and which he continued from 30 June 2003 as Diocesan Bishop of the same Diocese. Bishop Lai will remain in contact with the Diocese of Macau as Bishop Emeritus, after spending a period of time in prayer and taking a rest.
The above provisions are an expression of the pastoral solicitude and the love of Pope Francis and of the Holy See for the Church in China and, in a special way, for the Diocese of Macau which has for more than four centuries been a bridge for cultural exchangebetween the Orient and the West, and for the spreading of the Catholic faith.
While our Diocese will miss Bishop Lee, we are very happy that the Diocese of Macau will have him as the new Bishop. In the future, the two Dioceses will have more contacts and exchanges. We would like to take this opportunity to express our support for Bishop Lee’s new pastoral task, and we offer him our prayers and blessings. We are confident that the Diocese of Macau under his leadership, will bear abundant fruits in the years to come.
Curriculum Vitae of Bishop Stephen LEE Bun-sang
New Bishop of the Diocese of Macau
Bishop Stephen LEE Bun-sang, was born on 10 November 1956 in Hong Kong. He was baptized as a Catholic on 24 July 1976 at St. Margaret’s Church in Hong Kong. He then went to England for his university studies in architecture for 5 years. In 1978, he joined Opus Dei Prelature in London as Numerary member. He returned to Hong Kong in 1982 and started to work as an architect.
In 1984, he entered the international seminary of Opus Dei Prelature in Rome for his studies in Philosophy and Theology. He then continued his further ecclesiastical studies at the University of Navarra, Pamplona, Spain and obtained the Doctorate in Canon law.
He was ordained priest in Spain on 20 August 1988. He returned to Hong Kong in 1989 and started his pastoral work as chaplain to some Opus Dei Centres and schools. He was appointed in the same year by the Bishop of Hong Kong as the Defender of the Bond in the Diocesan Tribunal of Hong Kong. In1994, he became the Supervisor of Tak Sun School of Hong Kong. In 2012, he was appointed by the Prelate of Opus Dei Prelature as the Regional Vicar for East Asia Region. At the same time, he has continued his pastoral work in preaching monthly recollections and retreats, and in giving Catholic doctrine classes for the Prelature, the Diocese, the parishes and different religious communities.
He was appointed by Pope Francis as Auxiliary Bishop of Hong Kong on 11 July 2014 and was ordained bishop on 30 August 2014. He has been in charge of formation of laity, schools, communications, liturgy, and building developments in the Diocese of Hong Kong.After the resignation from Office of Bishop José LAI Hung-seng, on 16 January 2016 he was appointed by Pope Francis as a new Bishop of Macau.