

此外,我對即將在九月初新學年開學的學校的校舍情況感到擔憂。許多位於地下室和地面層的設施都被水淹沒;文件,書籍等等都遭受破壞。我能切身感受到校長和老師因目睹那些損害程度而引起的焦慮和擔心。我想到了這幾天因缺水缺電所帶來的嚴重衛生情況和不便,尤其是社區長者,特別是獨居的老人家, 長期病患者等。
我呼籲所有澳門的市民,特別是基督信徒,聯同所有宗教及善心人士, 首先團結一致在祈禱中,為風災罹難和受傷的人及家人, 為眾多日夜不停工作的消防、警察、醫護人員,和協助修理水電,清理街道等的同工祈禱;並積極與各政府部門和志願及慈善組織進行建設性合作,盡快恢復我們的城市設施和運作。
Dear brothers and sisters of Macau in Christ,
This past Wednesday, we have personally experienced one of the strongest typhoons (Hato) in Macau and are experiencing still the enormous damages and aftermath it has caused to different parts of the city.
May I, on behalf of the whole Catholic diocesan family, extend my heartfelt sympathies to all who have been affected by the typhoon. My heart goes to those who have lost their precious lives and those suffering from injuries during the floods and their beloved families, those whose homes, shops, and businesses have been inundated by water or affected by collapsed trees, people who have lost personal properties and in general all those who are beset by uncertainties over the future.
Moreover, I feel concerned about the conditions of many schools which are about to open their premises for the new academic year at the beginning of September. Many of their basements and ground floors were immersed in water with many facilities destroyed, including many documents and books. I can feel the anxiety of the principals and teachers who are in a panic when they countenance the damages done. I am also concerned with the serious hygiene problems and inconveniences due to the lack of electricity and water in these days, especially for the aged in our neighbourhood, the elderly who live alone, and patients suffering from chronic illnesses.
The day after the typhoon, we see not only municipal workers cleaning up the debris on the battered streets, we also witness the many volunteers in all parts of town tidying up their neighbourhood, shop owners offering food and water to the folks, catering also to the elderly living alone - these are our Macau citizens carrying out works of mercy with compassion and a generous heart.
May I call upon all the citizens of Macau, especially believers of Christ, along with people of all faiths and good will, to unite ourselves in prayer for the deceased and wounded, for their families, and for the numberless firefighters, police officers, medical staff, and the workers repairing water and electric facilities and  those cleaning our streets. Together let us collaborate actively and constructively with government agencies and with various voluntary and charity organizations for the restoration and normal operations of the city as soon as possible.
As for the educational sector, our Diocesan schools are already in talks with the Government for a moratorium for the beginning of the school year so as to allow more time for the schools to clean up the wreckages caused by the typhoon.
It is not the time now for lamenting, putting the blame on anyone, or complaining about the inconveniences; rather, this is a time for us to show our mutual support for each other and to pledge ourselves to do all we can during this process of recovery. It is the time for the society of Macau to harness its real developmental potentials -- its engaged citizens, in partnership with all government departments, working towards an effective and realistic revision and implementation of the crisis management policies.
We entrust to Our Lord Jesus all who suffered and those who are still suffering. We firmly believe in God’s providence surrounding us, our God who is sharing the grief of so many at this time. We offer our love and support to all who have been affected by the typhoon and the floods, and to all who are working hard towards the rehabilitation of Macau. I pray that God’s consoling Spirit will sustain them in this hour of trial and fill them with hope to rebuild their dreams.
May God bless you and keep you all.
Yours sincerely in Christ,
+Stephen LEE
Bishop of Macau