



1)    懇請行政長官盡速回應民間的強烈訴求,撤回《逃犯條例》修定草案
2)    懇請政府盡速成立獨立調查委員會,以持平地查找真相。
3)    各方人士必須克制,避免挑釁。無論立場如何,要珍惜生命,切勿作出傷害自己或他人的行為。
4)    籲請政府主動與社會不同界別代表,共商化解目前的困境。



"Urgent Appeal regarding the Ongoing Clashes Between the Police and Members of the Public"

The mass protests against the proposed amendment to the Fugitive Offenders Ordinance have resulted in clashes and violence between the Police and members of the public, and the situation is deteriorating. The people of Hong Kong are deeply worried and distressed. Hereby we issue the following urgent appeal:
1) We urge the Chief Executive to respond as soon as possible to the strong demands of the public to withdraw the Bill of the proposed amendment to the Fugitive Offenders Ordinance.
2) We urge the Government to set up an independent commission of inquiry as soon as possible to find out the truth in an impartial manner.
3) All parties must exercise restraint and avoid provocation. Regardless of one’s political stance, one should treasure life and refrain from doing anything that might harm oneself or others.
4) We urge the government to take the initiative to confer with the representatives of different factions to seek a solution to the current impasse.
Rev. Dr. Eric So Shing-yit, Chairperson, Hong Kong Christian Council
Cardinal John Tong, Apostolic Administrator, Catholic Diocese of Hong Kong
July 19th, 2019

