(鹽與光天主教傳媒訊) 2020年香港教區宗座署理湯漢樞機就香港疫情持續嚴重向香港人發表家書,作出慰問、表達關懷和送上一份勉勵及祝福,以下是家書全文。
主耶穌在復活後顯現給伯多祿時,三次問他: 「你愛我嗎? 」伯多祿回答說: 「主,是的,你知道我愛你。」耶穌最後對他說: 「你餵養我的羊群。」 (若望福音 21: 15-17 ) 自二月以來,教區也因應疫情而多次呼籲大家戴口罩、保持清潔、遵守社交距離和限聚令,合力做好防疫措施,為疫情早日減退及為疫情受害者祈禱。各堂區司鐸和牧職團關懷信友的牧民需要。這一切努力正體現耶穌對伯多祿的囑託。
耶穌說: 「你們這些勞苦和負重擔的人,都到我這裡來吧!」(瑪竇福音11:28) 當我們乏力無助時,讓我們加強信靠天主,也虔求祂賜給我們勇氣和智慧,共度難關。
+ 湯漢樞機
Family Letter from Cardinal Tong under the Pandemic
The Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic has worsened. The doctors, nurses and staff working in hospitals, as well as the sick and their families, are all suffering serious hardship. Added to that, the weather is extremely hot, and those who work outside or do menial labour must still wear a mask. To go to work in such conditions is really uncomfortable. School teachers and students all worry about their academic progress.
These days, many companies are facing the problem of closing or downsizing because business is bad. Both owners and staff face a drop in salary. Families have barely enough to live on. Many workers are laid off. Unemployment is on the rise.
It is hoped that the government will embrace the plight of the unemployed, and start a system of unemployment insurance in order to lessen their worries.
When Jesus appeared to Peter after the Resurrection, He said to him three times: “Do you love me?” Each time Peter answered: “Yes, Lord, you know that I love you.” Finally, Jesus said to him: “Feed my sheep” (John 21: 15-17). Since February, because of the coronavirus, the diocese has made several appeals to the faithful: to wear masks, to maintain personal hygiene, to observe social distancing, to limit gatherings of people, and to pray for those who have contracted the virus. Our clergy and their pastoral teams have shown their pastoral concern for the faithful, even offering financial help. They are implementing what Jesus asked Peter to do.
As the local government has further tightened the restrictions to combat the coronavirus, this brings a lot of discomfort to our daily lives. We hope the government will listen to the advice of experts and the voices of the citizens. We also hope that everyone will continue to be patient, and to be united to overcome this pandemic.
Now on behalf of the diocese, I would like to offer our deepest gratitude to all the doctors, nurses and hospital staff for the sacrifices they have made, and our deepest thanks to all levels of society for their unstinting service during these difficult times.
Jesus said: “Come to me all you who labour and are burdened, and I will give you rest.” (Matthew 11:28) When we have no strength and no help, let us still trust in God, because He is always with us. Let us also ask Our Lord to give us the courage, wisdom and strength so that we can together overcome this present crisis.
May God grant everyone happiness and peace!
+ Cardinal John Tong
Apostolic Administrator of Hong Kong
29th July 2020