

2023年10月 5日
Bishops and priests from Mainland, Taiwan, and Hong Kong get together at the Synod of Bishops, starting to experience synodality.
Photo Credit: Cardinal Stephen Chow 圖片提供:周守仁樞機 【左至右:姚順主教(內蒙古集寧教區)、周守仁樞機(香港教區)、楊永強主教(山東周村教區)、浦英雄主教(台灣嘉義教區)、丁楊神父(重慶教區)。From left to right: Bishop Anthony Yao, Cardinal Stephen Chow, Bishop Joseph Yang,  Bishop Norbert Pu (Diocese of Chiayi, Taiwan), Fr. Ding.】
Pope Francis tells me he is happy about this. Please pray for the Synod and for more opportunities for the churches on both sides of the Strait to experience unity and communion in the Christian way.
Photo Credit: Cardinal Stephen Chow 圖片提供:周守仁樞機 (左至右:楊永強主教(山東周村教區)、周守仁樞機(香港教區)、姚順主教(內蒙古集寧教區)、丁楊神父(重慶教區)。From left to right: Bishop Joseph Yang, Cardinal Stephen Chow, Bishop Anthony Yao, Fr. Ding.)
資訊提供:Cardinal Stephen Chow 周守仁樞機
Photo Credit:Rodney Leung / Salt+Light Media