

2025年1月 9日
圖片:St. Francis Xavier Church - 天主教聖方濟堂
耀漢小兄弟會會士張世協執事將於溫哥華時間2025年1月11日上午11時、北美東岸時間下午2時、中港台澳時間12日凌晨3時,在天主教溫哥華聖方濟堂領受司鐸聖秩。屆時由溫哥華總主教 J. Michael Miller CSB (若望·彌額爾·米勒) 主禮,天主教耀漢小兄弟會北美愛德省省會長秦瑛神父及溫哥華總教區、各修會、北美洲耀漢會會士等神父共祭。在感恩祭後於聖方濟學校禮堂與嘉賓共融,備有茶點招待。鼓勵教友踴躍參禮,共謝主恩。
張世協執事(會名:多默 Thomas)是越南人。2009年,他加入菲律賓的耀漢小兄弟會(CSJB)。2015年,他矢發永願。一年後,他被派往加拿大溫哥華米遜市(Mission City)的基督君王修院,接受司鐸培育。2022年,他完成了哲學和神學。之後,他前往台中的耀漢小兄弟會的母院,學習普通話,為日後向華人傳福音做好準備。在學習普通話一年半後,他回到溫哥華,並於2024年6月24日的晉升為執事。晉秩後,他在溫哥華天主教聖方濟堂服務至今。

地址是:438 Great Northern Way, Vancouver, BC V5T 1H8


- 1月11日早上彌撒及頤園的早上彌撒將暫停一次。
- 當日早上教堂停車場安排:
1. 下層停車場在泊滿後將即時關閉。
3. 其他停車選項:
- 教堂對面的Emily Carr大學設有時租停車位。
- 建議提早抵達,在教堂後門附近的第5街尋找街邊車位。
The Little Brothers of the Congregation of Saint John the Baptist (CSJB)
天主教耀漢小兄弟會: 創辨人雷鳴遠神父在一九二八年十二月十六日首批兄弟舉行穿會衣禮。在典禮中,雷神父正式宣布修會定名為耀漢小兄弟會,奉洗者聖若翰為主保,以效法耶穌基督前驅的剛毅奮勇的拓荒精神。




Ordination to the Holy Priesthood
Deacon Thomas Truong, CSJB
January 11 (Saturday) at 11:00 AM

The Congregation of Saint John the Baptist joyfully announces and cordially invites you to the Mass of Ordination to the Holy Priesthood of Deacon Thomas Truong, CSJB by his Excellency J. Michael Miller, CSB Archbishop of Vancouver, with concelebration by Provincial Superior Fr. Dominic Qin, CSJB, priests of the Archdiocese Vancouver, various religious congregations, and Brothers of CSJB across North America. Reception to follow in the St. Francis Xavier school gym, featuring light refreshments to celebrate this joyous occasion.
- The morning Masses on January 11 at both the church and Happy Manor will be suspended once.
- Parking arrangements for the church on the morning of January 11:
1. The lower parking lot will close immediately once it is full.
2. The upper parking lot will be reserved for our guests and allow parishioners to drop off passengers at the PLC entrance before leaving.
3. Additional parking options:
- Metered parking spaces are available at Emily Carr University across the street from the church.
- It is recommended to arrive early and look for street parking near the back entrance of the church on 5th Avenue.
We appreciate the understanding and support of all parishioners for these special arrangements. While the parking arrangements on that day may cause inconvenience, we kindly ask for your patience and cooperation with the Parking Ministry Volunteers.
First Mass
Date/Time: Sunday, January 12, 2025 at 11:15 a.m.
Venue: St. Francis Xavier Parish, Vancouver (Our Parish)
來源:St. Francis Xavier Church 天主教聖方濟堂