主教服飾簡介: (圖片來源:
聖座新聞室於二零一四年七月十一日公布,教宗方濟各任命楊鳴章神父, 方濟會會士夏志誠神父及主業團司鐸李斌生神父為香港教區輔理主教。除當日遠在聖座的新聞公布外,在香港,教區主教湯漢樞機同日下午六時,邀請教區內相關代表,齊集堅道的教區中心,由教廷代表宣布教宗上述任命。教宗同時確認湯漢樞機繼續為香港教區主教,肯定他對香港教區的貢獻。香港教區現時有54萬7千名教友、311名司鐸、18名終身執事、815名修道者。在此,祝賀三位的新牧職及請大家為他們祈禱。 |
圖片:公教報 |
(Fr. Michael Yeung Ming Cheung) 於一九七八年六月十日晉鐸。他獲意大利羅馬傳信大學神學學士、美國雪立橋大學傳理學碩士、美國哈佛大學教育學碩士、香港公開大學榮譽社會科學博士、澳洲天主教大學榮譽博士等學位。楊輔理主教二零零九一年四月獲湯漢主教委任為香港教區副主教。他現於香港明愛服務(行政總監),現時掌管教區傳播事務,包括社會傳播處、公教報、教區視聽中心等。 |
(Fr. Joseph Ha Chi-shing, OFM)於一九五九年出生,九零年晉鐸,曾任方濟會香港區會長,現為聖文德堂助理主任司鐸及香港天主教教育委員會委員。他獲羅馬傳信大學哲學學士、羅馬安道大學神學碩士,是有名的神學和靈修學專家。他曾任聖文德書院校監、協助成立隸屬於在俗方濟會的香港方濟青年。 |
(Fr. Stephen Lee Bun Sang)於一九五六年出生,一九八八年晉鐸。他是聖十字架及主業監督團(主業團)司鐸, 教會法典和中國教會專家。他獲建築學士學位, 之後攻讀教會法典及榮獲博士學位。他現任香港教區法庭辯護人, 主業會香港、澳門和台灣區域代表及德信學校校監。 |
Vatican City, July 2014 (VIS) – The Holy Father hasappointed Fr. Michael Yeung Ming Cheung, Fr. Stephen Lee Bun Sang, and Fr. Joseph Ha Chi-shing, O.F.M., as auxiliaries of the diocese of Hong Kong (area 1,104, population 7,071,600, Catholics 547,000, priests 311, permanent deacons 18, religious 815), China.
Bishop-elect Yeung Ming-cheung was born in Shanghai, China in 1946 and was ordained a priest in 1978. He holds masters degrees in social communications from the Syracus University, U.S.A., and philosophy of education from Harvard University, U.S.A., and has served in a number of pastoral and administrative roles, including parish vicar of Ha Kwai Chung district, New Territories; director of the diocesan office of social communications; director of the diocesan office for education and schools; director of Caritas Hong Kong, and vicar general of Hong Kong. He is currently a member of the Pontifical Council “Cor Unum”.
Bishop-elect Lee Bun Sang was born in Hong Kong, China in 1956 and was ordained a priest in 1988. He holds a degree in architecture from the London School of Architecture and a doctorate in canon law from the University of Navarre, Spain. He has served in a number of pastoral and administrative roles, including director of the Tak Sun school in Tsim Sha Tsui, and is currently defender of the bond at the diocesan tribunal of Hong Kong and vicar of Opus Dei for East Asia.
Bishop-elect Fr. Joseph Ha Chi-shing, O.F.M., was born in Hong Kong, China in 1959 and was ordained a priest in 1990. He holds a licentiate in spiritual theology and Franciscan culture from the Pontifical University Antonianum, Rome, and has held a number of pastoral and administrative roles, including priest of the “St. Bonaventure” and “Our Lady of the Angels” parishes in Kowloon; lecturer in spiritual theology in the seminary of Hong Kong; consultor of the Commission for the Church in China; and regional superior of the Order of Friars Minor for Hong Kong. He is currently parish vicar of the Church of St. Bonaventure in Hong Kong.