Blessed Romero

“I would like to make a special appeal to the men of the army, and specifically to the ranks of the National Guard, the police and the military. Brothers, you come from our own people. You are killing your own brother peasants when any human order to kill must be subordinate to the law of God which says, "Thou shalt not kill." No soldier is obliged to obey an order contrary to the law of God. No one has to obey an immoral law. It is high time you recovered your consciences and obeyed your consciences rather than a sinful order. The church, the defender of the rights of God, of the law of God, of human dignity, of the person, cannot remain silent before such an abomination. We want the government to face the fact that reforms are valueless if they are to be carried out at the cost of so much blood. In the name of God, in the name of this suffering people whose cries rise to heaven more loudly each day, I implore you, I beg you, I order you in the name of God: stop the repression.”

— Archbishop Oscar Romero, The Last Sermon (March 23, 1980)
It must prevail the law that says not to kill
March 23, 1980

If they kill me, I will be reborn in the Salvadoran people
March 1980

Martyrdom is a grace of God that I do not believe I deserve. But if God accepts the sacrifice of my life, may my blood be the seed of freedom and the sign that hope will soon be a reality.
March 23, 1980

Many would like the poors to say that it is God's will to live poor. It is not God's will that some have everything and others have nothing
September 10, 1978

Justice is like a snake; It only bites those who are barefoot
March 1980

Blogs and Articles

Deacon-structing Martyrdom Part 2: Witnesses
What does it mean to be a martyr? That’s the question we tried to answer last week. It’s a question that we all need to think about because it is directly related to following Christ. If we want to follow Jesus, He said, we must pick up our Cross. Following Jesus will always lead to more
The Francis Impact in El Salvador
A reflection on The Francis Impact's experience visiting El Salvador, and their successful ban on metal mining that helped to put a stop to an environmental disaster. more
Oscar Romero and the legacy of Hope
(S+L Photo: TFI Director Sebastian Gomes and Cinematographer Peter Turek film in Aguilares, El Salvador on Feb 27, 2018) The crew of “The Francis Impact” traveled to El Salvador from February 20 to March 2 to film a story about the country’s 2017 metal mining ban. It was a major en more
Understanding Oscar Romero
A short reflection on Ocar Romero’s influence, legacy, and what he represents for millions of Latin Americans to commemorate his Feast Day on March 24. more
Remembering The Jesuit Martyrs of El Salvador
A brief reflection on the eight martyrs of the UCA, the struggles many of them faced, and the history of El Salvador. “Dying for the truth and living with the truth”- Remembering The Jesuit Martyrs of El Salvador. more
Christian Martyrdom
A reflection on the meaning and impact of Christian martyrdom; currently taking place in the Middle East and in many other parts of the world. more
Romero’s World
Read Kevin Clarke's reflection on the impact Oscar Romero had on El Salvador during its hardest years, as a very troubled nation. more
Deacon-structing Martyrdom Part 1: A Grain of Wheat
Read Deacon Pedro's reflection on the meaning of Martyrdom. more

Programs about Romero

Details Behind The Romero Miracle Have Begun to Surface - Perspectives Daily

Blessed Romero's Martyred Friend: Jesuit Father Rutilio Grande

Archbishop Romero Declared Martyr

Blessed Oscar Romero is Now Closer To Sainthood

Beatification for Oscar Romero: Vatican Connections, Feb 6 2015

Getting Ready for Archbishop Romero's Beatification - Daily Perspectives

Oscar Romero's cause unblocked: Vatican Connections, April 26, 2013

Romero's Documentary