Programming Schedule for
Wednesday 09 Oct, 2024
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Les Verbomoteurs   
Chaque semaine, l'equipe du magazine Le Verbe jette un regard chretien sur l'actualite politique, religieuse et culturelle des sept derniers jours.Attendez-vous a des discussions pleines d'esprit, animees par Simon Lessard.
Step by Step: For the Synodal Church
Sur Le Chemin Du Synode
Au rythme du Coeur   
Dans ce documentaire de 52 minutes, Francis Denis a eu le privilege rarement accorde de partager le quotidien des moines benedictins Saint-Benoit-du-Lac au Quebec. Pendant plus d'une semaine, le realisateur a pu vivre a la premiere personne la richesse de l'experience de ces hommes qui, parce que suivant la Regle de saint Benoit, peuvent aujourd'hui nous aider a retablir un rapport plus sain(t) avec nous-memes et, donc, avec notre environnement. Production originale Sel + Lumiere Media, Au rythme du cour saura vous transporter dans cet univers de paix et de serenite tout en suscitant la creativite necessaire pour faire face aux defis de notre temps.
Historia Vitae: Treasures of Our Faith - Ireland's International Eucharistic and Marian Shrine   
Did you know there was a Marian apparition in Ireland? Learn about the beauty of Ireland's International Eucharistic & Marian Shrine.
Where God Weeps - Nigeria   
Where God Weeps draws on experts to touch on topics like poverty, human trafficking, AIDS, Christian persecution, and war. The show aims to awaken the awareness of Catholic viewers to the situation of the Church in need worldwide.
This is the Day   
Bishop Robert Reed and Jay Fadden talk about the faith, pray for your intentions, and chat about what's going on in the local Church and beyond. Catholic authors, artists, musicians, organizers and ministers join us to talk about the exciting things they are doing to spread the faith and touch hearts.
Breaking Bread - Patsy's Italian Restaurant
Step by Step: For the Synodal Church
Sur Le Chemin Du Synode
Les Verbomoteurs   
Chaque semaine, l'equipe du magazine Le Verbe jette un regard chretien sur l'actualite politique, religieuse et culturelle des sept derniers jours.Attendez-vous a des discussions pleines d'esprit, animees par Simon Lessard.
Au rythme du Coeur   
Dans ce documentaire de 52 minutes, Francis Denis a eu le privilege rarement accorde de partager le quotidien des moines benedictins Saint-Benoit-du-Lac au Quebec. Pendant plus d'une semaine, le realisateur a pu vivre a la premiere personne la richesse de l'experience de ces hommes qui, parce que suivant la Regle de saint Benoit, peuvent aujourd'hui nous aider a retablir un rapport plus sain(t) avec nous-memes et, donc, avec notre environnement. Production originale Sel + Lumiere Media, Au rythme du cour saura vous transporter dans cet univers de paix et de serenite tout en suscitant la creativite necessaire pour faire face aux defis de notre temps.
Il Santo Rosario - Misteri Gloriosi   
Daily TV Mass   NEW   
The National Catholic Broadcasting Council presents The Daily TV Mass from the Chapel at Loretto Abbey in Toronto, Ontario.
Warrior for Christ: The Life of Joe Reali; A   
Joe Reali was a young man whose passion was evident on both the football field and in how he lived his Catholic faith. Inspired by his example, his memory lives on through the Joseph Mario Reali Knights of Columbus Council 16261 in Woodbury, New York..
Messe du Jour en la Cathedrale Marie-Reine-du-Monde de Montreal   NOUVEAU   EN DIRECT
Messe quotidienne en la Cathedrale Marie-Reine-du-Monde de Montreal
Le Chaplet: Les Mysteres Glorieux
Priez les mysteres joyeux, douloureux, glorieux et lumineux du Rosaire sur Sel + Lumiere Media.
Daily TV Mass   
The National Catholic Broadcasting Council presents The Daily TV Mass from the Chapel at Loretto Abbey in Toronto, Ontario.
The Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary
Pray through the Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary.
Active Catholics - SoulCore   
Colleen Scariano discusses her journey and the tragedies that led her to start SoulCore, which pairs the praying of the rosary with physical movement. With help from her friend, Deanna Miller, and her brother, Father Vincent Druding, they help people find a light in the darkness.
DevotionsTV   NEW
Love is a Choice   
St. Gianna Beretta Molla embodied Christ to the very end when she sacrificed her life to save her baby.
Daily TV Mass   
The National Catholic Broadcasting Council presents The Daily TV Mass from the Chapel at Loretto Abbey in Toronto, Ontario.
Step by Step: For the Synodal Church
Sur Le Chemin Du Synode
Les Verbomoteurs   
Chaque semaine, l'equipe du magazine Le Verbe jette un regard chretien sur l'actualite politique, religieuse et culturelle des sept derniers jours.Attendez-vous a des discussions pleines d'esprit, animees par Simon Lessard.
Au rythme du Coeur   
Dans ce documentaire de 52 minutes, Francis Denis a eu le privilege rarement accorde de partager le quotidien des moines benedictins Saint-Benoit-du-Lac au Quebec. Pendant plus d'une semaine, le realisateur a pu vivre a la premiere personne la richesse de l'experience de ces hommes qui, parce que suivant la Regle de saint Benoit, peuvent aujourd'hui nous aider a retablir un rapport plus sain(t) avec nous-memes et, donc, avec notre environnement. Production originale Sel + Lumiere Media, Au rythme du cour saura vous transporter dans cet univers de paix et de serenite tout en suscitant la creativite necessaire pour faire face aux defis de notre temps.
Historia Vitae: Treasures of Our Faith - Ireland's International Eucharistic and Marian Shrine   
Did you know there was a Marian apparition in Ireland? Learn about the beauty of Ireland's International Eucharistic & Marian Shrine.
Where God Weeps - Nigeria   
Where God Weeps draws on experts to touch on topics like poverty, human trafficking, AIDS, Christian persecution, and war. The show aims to awaken the awareness of Catholic viewers to the situation of the Church in need worldwide.
Holy Rosary from Lourdes   NEW
From Lourdes, France
Daily TV Mass   
The National Catholic Broadcasting Council presents The Daily TV Mass from the Chapel at Loretto Abbey in Toronto, Ontario.
Le chapelet a Lourdes   NOUVEAU
Chapelet depuis Lourdes
Messe du Jour en la Cathedrale Marie-Reine-du-Monde de Montreal   EN DIRECT
Messe quotidienne en la Cathedrale Marie-Reine-du-Monde de Montreal
Vepres a Saint-Germain-l'Auxerrois   NOUVEAU
Vepres, de Saint-Germain-l'Auxerrois
Le Chaplet: Les Mysteres Glorieux
Priez les mysteres joyeux, douloureux, glorieux et lumineux du Rosaire sur Sel + Lumiere Media.
This is the Day   
Bishop Robert Reed and Jay Fadden talk about the faith, pray for your intentions, and chat about what's going on in the local Church and beyond. Catholic authors, artists, musicians, organizers and ministers join us to talk about the exciting things they are doing to spread the faith and touch hearts.
Retrospective - The Best of the S+L TV Archive - In Conversation: Suffering   NEW   
Fr. Thomas Rosica and Mr. Gaetano Gagliano speak with Pierluigi Molla, son of St. Gianna Molla and his daughter, Laura.
Retrospective : Le meilleur des archives de S+L TV - En pelerinage a Lourdes   NOUVEAU
The Word Exposed
Luis Antonio G. Cardinal Tagle of the Archdiocese of Manila reflects on Sunday's Mass readings each week.
Audience generale   NOUVEAU
God's Doorkeeper: St. Andre of Montreal   
God's Doorkeeper looks at the heart and legacy of Brother Andre - as a man of prayer, of hospitality, and of compassion; a man who draws people in to experience a God who is love.
Aid to the Church in Need - Zambia, Love in Action   
Aid to the Church in Need (ACN) is an international Catholic charity under papal jurisdiction, which yearly offers financial support to more than 5,000 projects worldwide. Catholic charities like ACN support the poor and persecuted Church with prayer, pastoral relief and material assistance. Help is given to refugees of all denominations.
Mysteries of the Church   
Mysteries of the Church investigates various elements of the Catholic Church using interviews with members of the religious and academic community, ranging in topics from Martyrs to Exorcism and Marian Apparitions to Celibacy.
Daily TV Rosary - The Glorious Mysteries
Daily TV Mass   
The National Catholic Broadcasting Council presents The Daily TV Mass from the Chapel at Loretto Abbey in Toronto, Ontario.
Holy Rosary from Lourdes
From Lourdes, France
Le chapelet a Lourdes
Chapelet depuis Lourdes