Programming Schedule for
Friday 25 Oct, 2024
The schedule is subject to change
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General Audience
Ardent Heart; An
An Arden Heart tells the story of Lupe Valde?s (Karyme Lozano), a best-sellIing writer who investigates the apparitions of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in search of inspiration for her next novel.
Behold - October 2024 Lives Lived for Life Special
This special edition of behold features the stories and testimonies of people who have dedicated their lives for life. We meet Deacon George and Susan Jurenas whose four daughters' adoption stories are filled with both joys and sorrows; we learn about the street outreach work of Katie Somers with Toronto Right to Life; we find out what has kept Jim Hughes motivated during his 50 years in the Pro-life movement; and we accompany Paula Celani as she spends time with her friends in the last stages of their lives.
This is the Day   
Bishop Robert Reed and Jay Fadden talk about the faith, pray for your intentions, and chat about what's going on in the local Church and beyond. Catholic authors, artists, musicians, organizers and ministers join us to talk about the exciting things they are doing to spread the faith and touch hearts.
Catholic Focus - McLuhan is the Message   
He coined the phrase Global Village and The Medium is the Message. He predicted the internet in 1962. He is called the greatest media theorist of our age.
General Audience
Woman's Voice; A   
In this documentary, we hear the voices of eleven women from around the world and learn of the stories, work and vocations that are enhancing ministries, fighting for justice and influencing thought.