2024年12月 6日星期五

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This is the Day   
Bishop Robert Reed and Jay Fadden talk about the faith, pray for your intentions, and chat about what's going on in the local Church and beyond. Catholic authors, artists, musicians, organizers and ministers join us to talk about the exciting things they are doing to spread the faith and touch hearts.
Catholic Focus - McLuhan is the Message   
He coined the phrase Global Village and The Medium is the Message. He predicted the internet in 1962. He is called the greatest media theorist of our age.
General Audience
The Birth of the Messiah   
The Nativity story is often depicted as a warm and intimate family experience with Mary and Joseph welcoming their firstborn as kings and shepherds to pay their respects. But it was much more than that. Using the most up-to-date Biblical and archeological scholarship, The Birth of the Messiah goes deeper into the traditional tales found in the Gospels of Matthew and Luke to reveal the words, symbols and characters that changed the course of human history.
In the Beginning - The Word   
Catholic Central
You have questions about the Catholic faith and what it means to be Catholic. We have answers. Using a team of witty writers, appealing hosts and even some learned theologians, we've created shareable, snackable videos that teach the timeless truths and deep history of the Church with humour and heart.
Il Santo Rosario - Misteri Dolorosi   
Daily TV Mass   NEW   
The National Catholic Broadcasting Council presents The Daily TV Mass from the Chapel at Loretto Abbey in Toronto, Ontario.
Historia Vitae: Treasures of our Faith - Museum of the Bible   
Engage in the transformative power of the Holy Bible through a tour around the Museum of the Bible.
Messe du Jour en la Cathedrale Marie-Reine-du-Monde de Montreal   NOUVEAU   EN DIRECT
Messe quotidienne en la Cathedrale Marie-Reine-du-Monde de Montreal
Le Chaplet: Les Mysteres Douloureux
Priez les mysteres joyeux, douloureux, glorieux et lumineux du Rosaire sur Sel + Lumiere Media.
Daily TV Mass   
The National Catholic Broadcasting Council presents The Daily TV Mass from the Chapel at Loretto Abbey in Toronto, Ontario.
The Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary
Pray through the Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary.
Patterns of Evidence - The Adventure of Abraham's Promise (Part 1)   
Ten young people meet Tim Mahoney on a camping trip and learn about his investigation for physical evidence of Moses and the Israelites' Exodus out of Egypt.
The Word Exposed
Luis Antonio G. Cardinal Tagle of the Archdiocese of Manila reflects on Sunday's Mass readings each week.
Daily TV Mass   
The National Catholic Broadcasting Council presents The Daily TV Mass from the Chapel at Loretto Abbey in Toronto, Ontario.
This Place: Real People. Real Faith.   
Host Emilie Callan travels coast to coast to discover the many faces of the Catholic Church in Canada. She hits the road and begins her adventures in southwestern Ontario, in the diocese of London. There she takes part in an Italian parish festival, attends a Spanish Mass for migrant workers, visits a summer camp, and learns of a special connection with Saint Brother Andre. Surrounded by small and great lakes, the diocese of London is full of surprises.
General Audience
The Birth of the Messiah   
The Nativity story is often depicted as a warm and intimate family experience with Mary and Joseph welcoming their firstborn as kings and shepherds to pay their respects. But it was much more than that. Using the most up-to-date Biblical and archeological scholarship, The Birth of the Messiah goes deeper into the traditional tales found in the Gospels of Matthew and Luke to reveal the words, symbols and characters that changed the course of human history.
In the Beginning - The Word   
The Gospel of John - Part One   
The life and toils of Jesus Christ, depicted as written in the gospel of John.
Holy Rosary from Lourdes   NEW
From Lourdes, France
Daily TV Mass   
The National Catholic Broadcasting Council presents The Daily TV Mass from the Chapel at Loretto Abbey in Toronto, Ontario.
Le chapelet a Lourdes   NOUVEAU
Chapelet depuis Lourdes
Messe du Jour en la Cathedrale Marie-Reine-du-Monde de Montreal   EN DIRECT
Messe quotidienne en la Cathedrale Marie-Reine-du-Monde de Montreal
Vepres a Saint-Germain-l'Auxerrois   NOUVEAU
Vepres, de Saint-Germain-l'Auxerrois
Le Chaplet: Les Mysteres Douloureux
Priez les mysteres joyeux, douloureux, glorieux et lumineux du Rosaire sur Sel + Lumiere Media.
This is the Day   
Bishop Robert Reed and Jay Fadden talk about the faith, pray for your intentions, and chat about what's going on in the local Church and beyond. Catholic authors, artists, musicians, organizers and ministers join us to talk about the exciting things they are doing to spread the faith and touch hearts.
On n'est pas du monde
God's Greatest Hits - Ave Maria   
Because music is so subjective, it is difficult to pronounce any single piece the most beautiful or the most divine - but God's Greatest Hits is a television series that does just that. It makes a case for the most powerful pieces of music ever written.
Les Verbomoteurs
The World Seen From the Vatican   NEW
Highlights the most important weekly stories on the Pope, the Vatican, and the Catholic Church, as seen through an international lens.
On a Sacred Note - Vatican II and the Vernacular Novus Ordo Part 1   
From Gregorian Chants to 20th-Century composers, Host Stephanie Scogna explores music history through present-day genres and experiences.
Historia Vitae: Treasures of our Faith - Museum of the Bible   
Engage in the transformative power of the Holy Bible through a tour around the Museum of the Bible.
Where God Weeps - H E Felicien Ntambue
Where God Weeps draws on experts to touch on topics like poverty, human trafficking, AIDS, Christian persecution, and war. The show aims to awaken the awareness of Catholic viewers to the situation of the Church in need worldwide.
Daily TV Rosary - The Sorrowful Mysteries
Daily TV Mass   
The National Catholic Broadcasting Council presents The Daily TV Mass from the Chapel at Loretto Abbey in Toronto, Ontario.
Holy Rosary from Lourdes
From Lourdes, France
Le chapelet a Lourdes
Chapelet depuis Lourdes
Les Verbomoteurs
God's Greatest Hits - Ave Maria   
Because music is so subjective, it is difficult to pronounce any single piece the most beautiful or the most divine - but God's Greatest Hits is a television series that does just that. It makes a case for the most powerful pieces of music ever written.
The World Seen From the Vatican
Highlights the most important weekly stories on the Pope, the Vatican, and the Catholic Church, as seen through an international lens.
Catholic Focus - Create a Climate of Change   
Climate change has been a major topic of debate in the past decades. Today it is one of the world's greatest challenges. It affects everyone. It affects especially the poor. Inspired by Pope Francis's encyclical Laudato Si, Development and Peace launched their yearly campaign in the fall of 2015 on the theme "Create a Climate of Change". The encyclical insists that climate change is more than an ecological issue. It is a human issue. This is the organization's main concern. Now, as part of their Share Lent campaign for 2016, they are inviting Canadian Catholics to support communities in developing countries in little or big ways starting right at home.
On a Sacred Note - Vatican II and the Vernacular Novus Ordo Part 1   
From Gregorian Chants to 20th-Century composers, Host Stephanie Scogna explores music history through present-day genres and experiences.
Historia Vitae: Treasures of our Faith - Museum of the Bible   
Engage in the transformative power of the Holy Bible through a tour around the Museum of the Bible.