BLOG: Dialogue,vocations
“Seized by the unconditional love of Jesus, the Christ, and allured to the mountaintop, we embrace the mystical flame of contemplation as our life’s grounding. The silence and solitude of our life of prayer immerse us in a deep communion with God that draws us into a full and willing participation in the unfolding of more
In the past, I’ve looked at what it means to be called and the meaning of discernment. I’ve also Deacon-structed the Vocations to the Single Life, to the Ordained Life and have dedicated many columns to the topic of Marriage. This weekend I am in Kansas City for the National Religious Vocation Conference convocation, so I thought more
A few weeks ago, I went to a mass of celebration for Sr. Corazon Beboso, FMA's 40th Anniversary of Religious Profession (Salesian Sisters of Don Bosco). Sr. Cora is one of my super learning models. Her youthful and energetic heart is always a booster drink for my soul. “Yes Lord, Yes Lord. Yes Yes Lord… Amen, Amen” is her favorite song. I would guess she has sang this song at every single event I have attended. And, we celebrated her “YES” to the Lord for 40 years. more
On Friday, April 29th, a mass will be celebrated for vocations to the ordained life in the Diocese of Montreal. It will be presided by Archbishop Christian Lépine of Montreal, at the Major’s Seminary Chapel. Various movements, communities, priests, religious and seminarians will be present at this Eucharistic celebration with a special contribution of the Challenge Choir. more
On April 17, 2016, the fourth Sunday of Easter, the Church will celebrate the 53rd World Day of Prayer for Vocations. This year’s theme is: “The Church, Mother of Vocations.” Below you will find the full text of the Holy Father’s message: The Church, Mother of Vocations Dear Brothers and Sisters, It is my great more
Last August, cameraman David Leross and I were in Vancouver for the CWL’s National Convention filming interviews for a special feature about the League called, Woman On A Mission. Here’s a little of what went on behind-the-scenes. One of the highlights of the Convention was Dr. Josephine Lombardi’s keynotes. As many of you already know, more
There’s this great scene early in the Wizard of Oz where Dorothy unsuccessfully tries to relate to her family about an incident involving her dog Toto. After she’s brushed off with the admonishment “find yourself a place where you won’t get into any trouble” Dorothy muses to her dog Toto, “‘Some place where there isn’t more
  Cheridan Sanders learns how Sr. Catherine Martin, O. Carm discovers her life-long love for art through an unwitting contribution to her father’s artwork. The best part of my job? The people. I love meeting the people who make up this beautiful reality we call the Church. There are so many stories to share and more
When I was a kid, growing up in Panama, quite often, our parents would take us to the Convent of the Visitation to visit with (no pun intended) the sisters. The Order of the Visitation of Holy Mary was founded by St. Francis de Sales and St. Jane Frances de Chantal in France in 1610 more