BLOG: creation
In preparation for Pope Francis’ new ecological encyclical set to come out June 18, 2015, the Roman Catholic Diocese of Saskatoon, led by Bishop Donald Bolen, have released a series of videos and study guides on how Catholics are leading and participating in a new commitment to respect and protect. The series is based on a recent more
In preparation for Pope Francis’ new ecological encyclical set to come out June 18, 2015, the Roman Catholic Diocese of Saskatoon, led by Bishop Donald Bolen, have released a series of videos and study guides on how Catholics are leading and participating in a new commitment to respect and protect. The series is based on a recent more
A few events the last couple weeks have led me to today’s reflection. Primarily, the fact that the Vatican has announced that Pope Francis will be releasing his second Encyclical later this month and that the topic of this papal document is the ecology. Add to that, the incredible response the news has garnered from more
In preparation for Pope Francis’ new ecological encyclical set to come out June 18, 2015, the Roman Catholic Diocese of Saskatoon, led by Bishop Donald Bolen, have released a series of videos and study guides on how Catholics are leading and participating in a new commitment to respect and protect. The series is based on a recent more
This week we learned that Pope Francis’ encyclical on human ecology should be released in June. Environmental groups welcomed the news warmly while skeptics told anyone who would listen that the pope is being taken for a ride by new-age tree huggers. Whatever one’s opinion on environmental issues, the encyclical has been written and is more
On Easter Sunday I wrote that it’s not hard to find physical signs of new life and resurrection everywhere we look. In fact, I would say that one of the arguments for life after death and even for the divine life is the fact that there are physical signs everywhere. Whether it’s a seed that more
Pope Francis’ universal prayer intention for April is for Creation: That people may learn to respect creation and care for it as a gift of God. The environment is a topic that many do not expect the Church to be vocal on, but if you followed Pope Benedict’s many addresses, you would know that he more
World Water Day, calls all of us to a water management and resource distribution ethic that must be guided by considerations for the common good of the people of the world and the natural systems of the planet itself. more
Most of us are concerned for the environment. Politicians, organizations and celebrities are constantly urging us to get “greener” and challenge us to “act more responsibly.” It seems that nothing today is more important than the need to take better care of our planet. On the other hand, another movement is gaining strength: Persons who more
Should we, as Catholics, worry about ecology? Didn’  God give us the earth to take care of and use it responsibly? In his message for the World Day of Peace in 2010, Pope Benedict XVI chose the theme If You Want to Cultivate Peace, Protect Creation. In this message he says “‘creation is the beginning more