BLOG: Easter
Have you ever imagined the moment when Jesus rose from the dead? The Gospels don’t tell us anything about the actual moment of the resurrection. We know the disciples found the tomb empty on Easter Sunday. But what must it have been like the moment Jesus came back to life, when His body went from more
Have you ever felt stuck in the dark, longing for some new light to shine in your life? Jesus knows what it’s like to feel trapped in the darkness. That’s what He experienced on the night of Holy Thursday, as he waited to be put on trial and condemned. So too, Jesus comes to sit more
Seeking a Common Date for Easter | One Body
Sr. Donna Geernaert, SC
April 27, 2023
Have you ever greeted a neighbour with a “Happy Easter,” only to learn that they are still in the season of Lent and won’t be celebrating the Feast for another couple of weeks? more
Let us continue our catechesis on the witnesses of apostolic zeal. We started with Saint Paul, and last time we looked at the martyrs, who proclaim Jesus with their lives, to the point of giving their lives for Him and for the Gospel. more
After talking about evangelization and talking about apostolic zeal, after considering the witness of Saint Paul, the true “champion” of apostolic zeal, today we will turn our attention not to a single figure, but to the host of martyrs, more
After having seen, two weeks ago, St Paul's personal zeal for the Gospel, we can now reflect more deeply on the evangelical zeal as he himself speaks of it and describes it in some of his letters. more