BLOG: Canada%20150,Perspectives%20Daily,Reflections,World%20Youth%20Day
Welcome back to Advent. It’s been waiting for you. That season of longing, of hope, of light piercing the dark, like a candle in a cave or a flashlight in a tunnel. more
This past August I met hundreds of thousands of your contemporaries from all over the world who converged on Lisbon for World Youth Day. more
For many of us, war may feel like something that only happens far away. We think of wars that happened long ago in history books, or in distant lands from which we feel far removed. more
What Dante Taught Me About Humility
Christopher M. Bellitto
November 10, 2023
It’s humbling to write a book about humility. It’s hard to talk about, too. How can you say, “I’m proud to be humble” or “Fall in line behind my shining example of humility”? As a Yiddish proverb teaches, “Too humble is half proud.” more
“Next Gen” Ecumenism | One Body
Julien Hammond
September 14, 2023
The recently concluded World Youth Day in Portugal (August 1-6, 2023) included a number of ecumenical and interreligious experiences, opportunities, and lessons that garnered praise and criticism in Catholic and non-Catholic circles alike. more
This has truly been a World Youth Day of words. While the main theme prompts us to reflect on the verbs "to arise" and "to go with haste," many other words jumped out at me as well. more
The theme for World Youth Day, Lisbon 2023 came from the first chapter of the Gospel of Luke: “Mary arose and went with haste” (1:39). more
In the past few days, I went to Portugal for the 37th World Youth Day. This World Youth Day in Lisbon, after the pandemic, was considered by all to be a gift of God, more
I am grateful to the Patriarch of Lisbon for his words, and to Bishop Aguiar and all of you for having worked so hard and so well: you have made these unforgettable days possible! more
After these exciting days, surely we feel like repeating the words of the Apostle Peter on the mount of the Transfiguration: “Lord, it is good for us to be here!” (Matthew 17:4). more