BLOG: Prayer,Reflections,Videos
If Jesus can defeat death itself, there is nothing that He cannot overcome. Let us open the door of our lives to the power of His resurrection! more
As we begin the Year of the Family, Isabelle Gagnon explores preparation for family life and the values specific to the family vocation. more
During Holy Week, we see Jesus' love for us played out before our very eyes. How can we respond to a love that is so deep? more
Deacon Pedro introduces us to some beautiful prayers from the vast treasury of our Catholic Tradition. Will you find a new favourite? more
Just as Joseph and Mary searched Bethlehem for shelter, those in need today are seeking compassion, and they are knocking at our hearts. more
Join us as we pray the St. Joseph Novena, leading up to his feast day on March 19th. Here are 9 reasons why we should all pray the St. Joseph Novena. more
Pope Francis set us an example last weekend by going to Iraq to deliver a message of peace, fraternity, and care. How can we imitate him? more
Amid so many challenges facing our world at this time, what if this Lent we focused on becoming the Church that the world needs today? more
For many of us, this pandemic has shown us what's important in life. What have we learned about ourselves over these past 12 months? more
In the midst of so much separation during these days of pandemic, what is there to unite us? How can we remain united across the barriers? more