Programming Schedule for
Monday 13 May, 2024
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Nouvelles de Terre Sainte
Terra Santa News est l'emission hebdomadaire qui raconte l'histoire de la Terre Sainte.
The Word Exposed
Luis Antonio G. Cardinal Tagle of the Archdiocese of Manila reflects on Sunday's Mass readings each week.
Aid to the Church in Need - Extraordinary Women
Aid to the Church in Need (ACN) is an international Catholic charity under papal jurisdiction, which yearly offers financial support to more than 5,000 projects worldwide. Catholic charities like ACN support the poor and persecuted Church with prayer, pastoral relief and material assistance. Help is given to refugees of all denominations.
Mary, Mother of Jesus   
Following the life of Jesus through the eyes of Mary.
Mary: A Word, A Prayer   
A documentary on Marian devotion and her influence on art throughout the world.
St Joseph: Our Spiritual Father   
Featuring interviews with leading experts and theologians, in addition to powerful first-hand testimonials - St. Joseph: Our Spiritual Father provides viewers with a glimpse into one of the most incredible lives in all of human history - a figure whose spiritual fatherhood remains open to all of us.
The Word Exposed
Luis Antonio G. Cardinal Tagle of the Archdiocese of Manila reflects on Sunday's Mass readings each week.
Aid to the Church in Need - Extraordinary Women
Aid to the Church in Need (ACN) is an international Catholic charity under papal jurisdiction, which yearly offers financial support to more than 5,000 projects worldwide. Catholic charities like ACN support the poor and persecuted Church with prayer, pastoral relief and material assistance. Help is given to refugees of all denominations.
Mary: A Word, A Prayer   
A documentary on Marian devotion and her influence on art throughout the world.
Il Santo Rosario - Misteri Gaudiosi   
Daily TV Mass   NEW
The National Catholic Broadcasting Council presents The Daily TV Mass from the Chapel at Loretto Abbey in Toronto, Ontario.
In Your Faith - What is Anointing of the Sick?   
What is anointing of the sick? Why is there suffering? What to do in moments of sickness and old age? How long have we been anointing the sick? Did Jesus institute this sacrament? What graces are received with this sacrament and... yes, you got it: what metaphysical occurrence takes place?
Messe du Jour en la Cathedrale Marie-Reine-du-Monde de Montreal   NOUVEAU   EN DIRECT
Messe quotidienne en la Cathedrale Marie-Reine-du-Monde de Montreal
Le Chaplet: Les Mysteres Joyeux
Priez les mysteres joyeux, douloureux, glorieux et lumineux du Rosaire sur Sel + Lumiere Media.
Daily TV Mass
The National Catholic Broadcasting Council presents The Daily TV Mass from the Chapel at Loretto Abbey in Toronto, Ontario.
The Joyful Mysteries of the Rosary
Pray through the Joyful Mysteries of the Rosary.
Retrospective - The Best of the S+L TV Archive - Witness: Sr. Prema Patrick, MC
Retrospective : Le meilleur des archives de S+L TV - Pour Toi, Seigneur - Missionnaires de la Nouvelle France
Terra Santa News   NEW
A weekly video news report telling the story of the Holy Land between faith, history, and current events.
Daily TV Mass
The National Catholic Broadcasting Council presents The Daily TV Mass from the Chapel at Loretto Abbey in Toronto, Ontario.
The Word Exposed
Luis Antonio G. Cardinal Tagle of the Archdiocese of Manila reflects on Sunday's Mass readings each week.
Aid to the Church in Need - Extraordinary Women
Aid to the Church in Need (ACN) is an international Catholic charity under papal jurisdiction, which yearly offers financial support to more than 5,000 projects worldwide. Catholic charities like ACN support the poor and persecuted Church with prayer, pastoral relief and material assistance. Help is given to refugees of all denominations.
Mary, Mother of Jesus   
Following the life of Jesus through the eyes of Mary.
Mary: A Word, A Prayer   
A documentary on Marian devotion and her influence on art throughout the world.
Holy Rosary from Lourdes   NEW
From Lourdes, France
Daily TV Mass
The National Catholic Broadcasting Council presents The Daily TV Mass from the Chapel at Loretto Abbey in Toronto, Ontario.
Le chapelet a Lourdes   NOUVEAU
Chapelet depuis Lourdes
Messe du Jour en la Cathedrale Marie-Reine-du-Monde de Montreal   EN DIRECT
Messe quotidienne en la Cathedrale Marie-Reine-du-Monde de Montreal
Vepres a Saint-Germain-l'Auxerrois   NOUVEAU
Vepres, de Saint-Germain-l'Auxerrois
Le Chaplet: Les Mysteres Joyeux
Priez les mysteres joyeux, douloureux, glorieux et lumineux du Rosaire sur Sel + Lumiere Media.
La Victoire de l'Amour   NOUVEAU
Au rythme du Coeur   
Dans ce documentaire de 52 minutes, Francis Denis a eu le privilege rarement accorde de partager le quotidien des moines benedictins Saint-Benoit-du-Lac au Quebec. Pendant plus d'une semaine, le realisateur a pu vivre a la premiere personne la richesse de l'experience de ces hommes qui, parce que suivant la Regle de saint Benoit, peuvent aujourd'hui nous aider a retablir un rapport plus sain(t) avec nous-memes et, donc, avec notre environnement. Production originale Sel + Lumiere Media, Au rythme du cour saura vous transporter dans cet univers de paix et de serenite tout en suscitant la creativite necessaire pour faire face aux defis de notre temps.
On n'est pas du monde   NOUVEAU
Lumiere du monde
L'emission Lumiere du monde est une serie de reportages eclairants sur les evenements de l'Eglise ainsi que sur l'actualite spirituelle et religieuse de notre temps. Produite par l'Institut Apostolique Renaissance, en etroite collaboration avec l'Eglise catholique de Quebec, elle se veut une lumiere sur les questions de l'heure et une touche d'esperance a travers les preoccupations d'aujourd'hui.
Aide a l'Eglise en Detresse - Albanie, Angelo
La Foi prise au Mot   NOUVEAU
Dans un style simple et direct des specialistes, universitaires ou pretres, dialoguent avec Regis Burnet, bibliste, en apportant des reponses aux questions que nous pouvons nous poser sur la foi, la liturgie ou encore, la tradition.
Nouvelles de Terre Sainte
Terra Santa News est l'emission hebdomadaire qui raconte l'histoire de la Terre Sainte.
Daily TV Mass
The National Catholic Broadcasting Council presents The Daily TV Mass from the Chapel at Loretto Abbey in Toronto, Ontario.
Holy Rosary from Lourdes
From Lourdes, France
Le chapelet a Lourdes
Chapelet depuis Lourdes