BLOG: Matthew%20Harrison
Ninety three years ago today the body of Tom Thomson was recovered from Canoe Lake in Algonquin Park. The death of one of Canada’s most beloved painters is shrouded in mystery.  The official word was that it was an accidental drowning.  An experienced park guide and canoeist, many scoff at that ruling.  They suggest murder more
The name Jacalyn Duffin may not sound familiar. But if you’re a Canadian Catholic, particularly in Quebec, you’ll probably know of St. Marguerite D’Youville (and if you don’t, get to know her and the other Canadian Saints and Blesseds HERE). Both Duffin and St. Marguerite are closely connected. Dr. Duffin, a Canadian hematologist, investigated the more
I admit, I was a little disappointed when Spain beat the Netherlands in yesterday’s World Cup final. That’s mostly because I was cheering for Germany — and Spain defeated them last week! At which point I strapped on my willow-wood clogs and pulled out the miniature windmills that are collecting dust in my desk drawer, more
After his Wednesday General Audience on July 7th, Pope Benedict traveled to Castelgandolfo to begin his summer break. The days leading up to his vacation were quite busy. Catholic News Service’s Carol Glatz and John Thavis explain, and take a look at the two months ahead, in this week’s Vatican Report. To download Flash Player more
The first registrant for World Youth Day Madrid isn’t Spanish, but German. It fact, it’s Pope Benedict XVI. The Holy Father registered after a meeting in Rome with Cardinal Antonio Rouco Varela of Madrid and other organizers of the August 2011 event. The Pope described World Youth Day as “not just a mass gathering but more
Archbishop Albert LeGatt, of the Archdiocese of St. Boniface, Manitoba, has received the Pallium from Pope Benedict XVI. He was among 38 Archbishops to receive the woolen band today as part of Mass on the feast of Saints Peter and Paul. Salt + Light CEO Fr. Thomas Rosica, CSB, explains the significance: This ancient sign, more
Tuesday marks the feast of Saints Peter and Paul. As always, it is also the day that Metropolitan Archbishops who have been appointed in the last 12 months receive the Pallium. The Pallium symbolizes their role as shepherds and teachers (Fr. Rosica’s offers more on the Pallium in a blog entry from 2009 HERE). This more
Salt + Light producer Gillian Kantor has been busy working on a second season of our book show Word for Word … all while taking care of her one and half year old son Joseph, and just passing the midway point of her pregnancy with another little bundle of joy! In and amongst all this more
Cor ad Cor Loquitur – Heart Speaks unto Heart. That was announced last week as the motto for Pope Benedict XVI’s September visit to the UK. The phrase is an appropriate one — it’s the motto on the coat of arms of Cardinal John Henry Newman. The Holy Father will beatify Cardinal Newman on the more
The Year for Priests officially came to a close last Friday. This week in the Vatican Report, Catholic News Service’s Cindy Wooden and John Thavis highlight some of Pope Benedict XVI’s words during concluding events for the Year. To download Flash Player please click here – CNS photo/Paul Haring more