BLOG: Matthew%20Harrison
In 1986 Pope John Paul II became the first Pope to visit the Great Synagogue of Rome. Nearly 24 years later Pope Benedict XVI follows in his predecessor’s footsteps visiting Rome’s synagogue and meeting with leaders of Rome’s Jewish community and the Chief Rabbi of Italy. The Holy Father will also visit the Jewish Museum more
The Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops and Development and Peace are launching an emergency appeal to support humanitarian aid relief in Haiti. CCCB President Bishop Pierre Morissette noted in a letter released on Wednesday, that Pope Benedict made an appeal at his General Audience for the international community to be generous in assisting the suffering more
Ite ad Joseph. That’s the inscription below the statue of Joseph in front of St. Joseph’s Oratory in Montreal. Go to Joseph. It’s a famous instruction by Blessed Brother André Bessette, CSC, who’s feast day we celebrate today. Of his devotion to Joseph, Fr. H.P. Bergeron, CSC, one of the humble brother’s contemporaries, writes in more
What kind of a year did Pope Benedict XVI have? And what can we expect in 2010? For a perspective on the year that has passed, we turn to Catholic News Service Rome bureau chief John Thavis and CNS Rome correspondent Carol Glatz with this report distributed by H2oNews: Obtenir le lecteur Flash pour voir more
Today celebrate the Solemnity of Mary, the Mother of God. A week after we have celebrated the birth of our Saviour, we recognize His mother — Theotokos, God-bearer! It’s also an appropriate time to celebrate this feast as we begin the new year. Pope Benedict XVI noted this in his homily on this day four more
As this year draws to a close, and 2010 begins, Salt + Light Television is pleased to bring to you two Papal events. On New Year’s Eve, at St. Peter’s in Rome, Pope Benedict XVI will celebrate Vespers in thanksgiving for the year gone by. You can watch this live, without English translation, Thursday, December more
In the same region there were some shepherds staying out in the fields and keeping watch over their flock by night. And an angel of the Lord suddenly stood before them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them; and they were terribly frightened. But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid; more
Just a reminder that Tuesday, December 22nd is the last Zoom for 2009. Zoom will return from hiatus in the new year on January 4th. In place of Zoom, on our digital cable network at 7pm and 11pm ET, we will be broadcasting The 12 Days of Christmas feature that you may remember from last more
As Advent winds down, we remind you that we will open the Christmas season with Pope Benedict XVI’s celebration of Holy Mass on the Solemnity of the Birth of Our Lord from St. Peter’s in Rome. In a break from tradition, midnight Mass will actually be celebrated at 10pm Rome time. Therefore, you can tune more
A parable sandwich? That’s the case, Archbishop Collins explains, with the parable that is featured at this month’s Lectio Divina. The parable of the laborers in the vineyard, from Matthew 19:29-20:16, is sandwiched between the phrase “the last will be first, and the first last.” And so Archbishop Collins reflects upon what our Lord is more