BLOG: Alicia Ambrosio〈uage=
With last week’s Epiphany announcement that the Archbishop of Toronto, Thomas Collins would become a cardinal, Canada is rejoicing. Although his face and name are associated with the Archdiocese of Toronto he was previously the Archbishop of Edmonton. This week the Western Catholic Reporter published this story offering insight into what kind of impact he more
Every year for the feast of the Baptism of the Lord the Holy Father takes part in a special tradition: he celebrates Mass in the Sistine Chapel with the Vatican workers who have had babies in the last year and baptizes the little ones. The tradition began with John Paul II in the first year more
On the feast day of Our Lady of Guadalupe Pope Benedict XVI announced he will visit Mexico and Cuba in 2012.  Today the Mexican Bishops’ Conference and the Cuban Bishops’ conference each released a preliminary itinerary of the Holy Father’s visit to their nations. Pope Benedict will arrive in the Mexican city of  Leon on more
One of the things that helps us keep focused on the real point of Christmas is taking time to stop and step back from the usual hustle and bustle of everyday life.  Salt + Light staff will be doing that this year, but we won’t leave you without something special to watch. Perspectives Daily will more
Pope Benedict XVI approved the miracles of seven people who are considered “blessed” by the Church. With the approval of these miracles the seven blesseds can now be canonized. Among them are four lay people, two North Americans and one Filipino youth. Blessed Kateri Tekakwitha was born in what is today Auriesville, New York and more
The phrase “Communion of Saints” was often confusing to me as a child. I would picture the various saints I had read about lining up for communion, somewhere in Heaven. Later on someone explained the idea of the Communion of Saints being like a family — our Catholic family. What joins us together is not more
The feast of the Immaculate Conception is a public holiday in Italy and most of Europe. When I lived there as a student, December 8th was always a special day because it was a holiday, because it reminded me that Advent had indeed begun, and because it was also the day for a special gathering with more
After several weeks of writing about the changes brought about by the new translation of the English version of the Roman Missal, the much anticipated roll-out day finally arrived. Truth be told, I was quite excited to see how it would all unfold. I even found myself walking just a little bit faster to get more
In the Gospel of Luke we are told about a Centurion who asks Jesus to heal his servant who is ill. The centurion says to Jesus, “Lord I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof, but only say the word and my servant shall be healed” (Luke 7: 6-7). That line, with more